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Eduard Vladimirovich Drigola 

Associate Professor

Faculty of Law

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Administrative and legal regulation in the field of migration and customs


  • Administrative law
    In the framework of the course "Administrative law" examines the subject matter and method of administrative-legal regulation; and the system of sources of administrative law; the legal status of subjects of administrative law; the rules of development, adoption, publication and entry into legal force of legal acts of public administration; the legal basis for the organization of the public service; the substantive and procedural aspects of administrative responsibility; legal regulation of monitoring of public administration; the legal basis of public administration in certain fields of activities
  • Administrative process
    Within the framework of the discipline "Administrative process", the concept and structure of administrative process are studied; judicial administrative process (administrative proceedings); extrajudicial administrative process (law-making and law enforcement)
  • Constitutional Law
    Within the framework of the discipline "Constitutional Law", the subject, method, system and sources of the Constitutional Law of Russia are studied; the doctrine of the Constitution; the institution of the constitutional system; the constitutional foundations of the legal status of man and citizen; the constitutional and legal foundations of federalism; the constitutional and legal status of the President of the Russian Federation, legislative, executive and judicial authorities in the Russian Federation