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Evgeniya Valerievna Dadenko 

Associate Professor

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Research interests:

Current Research Directions

soil biology and biochemistry

anthropogenic influence on soil

applied soil biology

soil ecology


  • Environmental Management
    At the completion of the course students should be able to: demonstrate an understanding of environmental management and policy, and an ability to apply these in a range of contexts; demonstrate an understanding of some of the disciplinary areas related to environmental decision-making, such as environmental law, economics, ecosystem management, physical sciences (physics and chemistry), social sciences and engineering; apply the legislative basis of environmental management when assessing and adjusting systems of environmental management; make decisions the field of environmental impact minimization; assess local peculiarities of industrial environmental impact; consider the established natural conditions when making and implementing decisions in the field of environmental management in order to minimize the environmental impact At the completion of the course students should have an understanding of: environmental management as a science; environmental impact sources, their characteristics and ways of description; techniques of environmental impact assessment; the legislative basis in the field of nature quality management at all levels (international, national, local); systems, principles and techniques of environmental management; the ways of managing and principles of work of environmental management agencies At the completion of the course students should be able to: apply the legislative basis of environmental management when assessing and adjusting systems of environmental management; make decisions the field of environmental impact minimization; assess local peculiarities of industrial environmental impact; consider the established natural conditions when making and implementing decisions in the field of environmental management in order to minimize the environmental impact