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Elena Vadimovna Belopolskaya 


Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

Associate Professor

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn, orthodox tradition in Russian literature.

 Management of students' research work on master's theses on the topics connected with the research interests.



  • "History of Russian literature of the XX century" (part 2)
    "History of Russian literature of the XX century" (part 2): the course objective is to prepare students to master effectively aesthetic richness and basic tendencies of the development of Russian literature of XX-XXI centuries, to identify consciously genre and style diversity, to perceive deeply ideological and artistic heritage of writers and poets of the period under consideration, to develop skills and abilities connected with the analysis and interpretation of literary works."
  • "History of literature"(part 2)
    "History of literature"(part 2): the course objective is to form a system of knowledge on Russian literature, to identify the most important features and tendencies of ideological and artistic development of Russian literature with the involvement of cultural and historical background of a certain period; to characterize on the example of representative works of art nationally significant image-symbols, categories of social consciousness of our compatriots; to develop students' skills and abilities related to the analysis and interpretation of a literary work; to expand students' literary, cultural and aesthetic horizons.
  • "Russian literature in the modern sociocultural context"
    "Russian literature in the modern sociocultural context": the purpose of the course is to form students' knowledge of the modern history of Russian literature; to identify and characterize the main trends in the development of literature in the early XXI century; to recreate the sociocultural background of Russian literature of recent decades; to develop students' skills and abilities related with the analysis and interpretation of modern literary works.
  • "The works of A. I. Solzhenitsyn: personality and the artistic world of the writer"
    "The works of A. I. Solzhenitsyn: personality and the artistic world of the writer": the course allows to gain advanced knowledge about the biography and the specificity of creativity of A. I. Solzhenitsyn, to trace the ideological evolution of the writer; to define the system of his artistic coordinates, to comprehend the place of the writer in Russian literature; about the present state of studying of Solzhenitsyn; and to facilitate students to develop their skills connected with analytical reading of fiction and critical literature.