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Elena Alexander Strelchenko 

+7(918) 553-34-94

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Personal page in English:

Research interests:

labor market, social and labor relations, entrepreneurship, labor motivation, state regulation in the sphere of labor


  • "Microeconomics"
    "Microeconomics" refers to the basic part of professional cycle of the educational program of the bachelor's degree in the direction 38.03.01. Economics. As a result of mastering the discipline, the trainee must know: - the methodological and theoretical bases for the analysis of microeconomics; - the main theoretical approaches developed within the framework of various economic schools; - regularities of the modern economy at the micro level; - basic categories and tools for microeconomic analysis.
  • The Technique of Teaching Economic Disciplines
    The academic discipline "The Technique of Teaching Economic Disciplines" is included in the cycle of variative disciplines of the professional cycle of education. This discipline is based on the previous disciplines "Pedagogy", "Psychology" (Psychological bases of teaching and upbringing), "Culture of speech and business communication" (Fundamentals of oratorical skill, Basics of rhetoric), "Philosophy" (Dialectics, Theory of cognition, Research methodology). Discipline is studied by students in the fourth year during one semester. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained by students in the study of discipline can be used in the preparation of coursework and graduation or graduation work, the implementation of scientific and methodical student work. "Teaching methodology" allows to increase the level of pedagogical qualification. As a result of mastering the discipline, the trainee must demonstrate the ability and willingness to use existing programs and teaching materials in the teaching of economic disciplines in educational organizations at various levels. The trainee must be able to participate in the improvement and development of educational and methodological support of economic disciplines.