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Evgeny Nikiforovich Sidorenko 

+7(904) 442-89-18

Associate Professor

Faculty of Physics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

1. The phenomenon of microwave dispersion of permittivity in ferroelectrics, the study of mechanisms of absorption of microwave energy by the crystals and ceramics of different ferroics
2. The study of the nature of electrical conductivity of corrosion adsorption films on the basis of modified organic compounds of the imidazole class


  • 1. Theory of electrical circuits.
    A course of lectures devoted to problems of analysis and synthesis of linear electric circuits. It covers passive and active elements of the circuits, types of connections, classification of electric circuits: on various grounds. The course examines the basic laws of ekopokolenie circuits, various methods of analysis, solved the problem of the analysis of linear circuits with harmonic actions, we study the vector diagram of resistances, conductances, currents, voltages. We study the transients and resonance phenomena in circuits and their amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics. Considers the theory of two-port networks and their primary options. A course of lectures read to students in the second and third semesters and is designed for 72 hours. In addition, there are practical (36 hours) and laboratory classes (72 hours).
  • 2. Circuitry of telecommunication devices.
    The course of lectures is devoted to the study of circuitry of telecommunication devices intended for generating, amplifying and converting analog signals. The basis of radio electronic circuits of devices are transistors and operational amplifiers. The basic laws of current transmission in radio electronic circuits are studied, basic concepts, definitions, terms; the principles of the operation of radio electronic circuits, the assignment of radioelements in circuits are given. The course of lectures is designed for 36 hours and 72 hours of laboratory classes.
  • 3. Fundamentals of Radioelectronics
    The course of lectures is devoted to the study of processes, characteristics, the principle of operation and methods of incorporating into the radio circuits such semiconductor radioelements as diodes, varicaps, stabilitrons, stabilizers, bipolar and field transistors. Various electronic circuits for thermal stabilization of transistors, modulation schemes, detection, amplification and conversion of analog signals are considered. The course of lectures is designed for 36 hours and 72 hours of laboratory classes.