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Alexey Nikolayevich Yeletsky 

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

  • problems and contradictions of globalization and glocalization of the world economy
  • geo-economics
  • geo-economic leadership in the world economy
  • multipolarity
  • prospects for European integration
  • prospects for the EU as a geopilitical and geo-economic entity
  • history of the world economy
  • world-systems analysis and core-periphery relations 
  • geopolitics
  • global political economy
  • international competitiveness and global value chains within the international division of labor
  • Anglo-Saxon alliance in the framework of the struggle for global domination
  • regional powers in the system of international economic relations (including the modern positioning of Poland and other Visegrad Group countries)
  • international business and management strategies
  • foreign economic activities of a region
  • exports potential of Russia and Russian regions
  • improving the regional geo-economic competitiveness (including the Rostov Region)
  • ESG-transformation in the global economy

Research projects:

Geo-economic multipolarity in the modern conditions of globalization of the world economy (Candidate Thesis Topic)

The evolution of geo-economic leadership in the global economy

Globalization and glocalization within international economic relations

The prospects for deepening of the European integration

The strategy of socio-economic development of the Rostov region for the period up to 2030

The strategy of socio-economic development of Rostov-on-Don for the period up to 2035

The concept of international, interregional development and export support of the Rostov region

The trends of geo-economic centrism's change in the context of imperatives of increasing the role of Russia in the world economy

The study of long-term trends in global industry markets in the context of the positioning of the Rostov Region in world economic relations

Analysis of challenges for the Rostov region formed by factors of the world and national economies

Analysis of the directions of export expansion of the region in the context of the development of Industry 4.0

Fundamental laws and technologies for using evolutionary-genetic and institutional mechanisms of economic growth and development

Research of socio-economic development priorities of the Rostov region with a low level of greenhouse gas emissions


  • International Business (in Russian)
  • International Business (in English)
  • Russia in the System of the World Economy (in English)
  • International Management (in Russian)
  • Cross-Cultural Communication in International Business (in English)
  • International Economics (in Russian)
  • Foreign Economic Activity (in Russian)