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Elena Iosifovna Lazareva 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 13073


Southern Federal University

Head of the department

Faculty of Management

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:


Innovation management; international management; global problems of sustainable innovation-oriented economic development strategy formation; welfare economics strategic management; models and methods for managerial decision-making; environmental and reputation management in the context of business transnationalization; the estimation of innovative potential of socio-economic systems.

Research projects:

Russian Foundation for Basic Research project "Coordination of public-private interests in the region sustainable development management on the economic and mathematical modeling basis"

Joint initiative project of the "Innovation and international management" Department (Southern Federal University) and the  of the "Economics and management at the enterprise " Department  (North Caucasus Federal University in Pyatigorsk) on the topic:"Spatial features of the national innovation system formation  (on the South of Russia materials"

Grant UNESCO "Vision of sustainable development of the Volga basin and the Caspian sea";

 Grant OECD "Improving the economic mechanism of environmental management in the region (on the example of Rostov region)".


  • Statistics
    The purpose of discipline: to give a holistic view of modern methodology of collection, processing, collating statistical information, the acquisition of skills for calculation of statistical indicators, their analysis and use in the Manager's work and business practices to make informed management decisions. The course examines the theory of statistics as well as the main topics of socio-economic statistics, as a result of which the student will know and be able to apply statistical techniques of classification, grouping, and simulation of various macro - and microeconomic and social phenomena and processes.
  • Econometrics
    The purpose of discipline: to give a complete view of the system of econometric models, as well as set of methods that allow to attach a concrete quantitative expression to the general economic regularities. Discipline needs to help students develop practical skills in the field of construction and application of econometric models. The course examines the major categories and tools of econometrics; theoretical foundations of the econometric models; basic mathematical methods and techniques which in the construction of econometric models and their statistical analysis are used.
  • Environmental Risk Management
    The course is dedicated to the role of various environmental risk management strategies including the key tools of environmental policy, cost-benefit analysis, financial and investment analysis, in the functioning of modern financial institutions and their customers. The subject of the course is focused on the problems of theoretical foundation and practical applications of the environmental risk management principles, covering a broad spectrum of optimal ecological costs models and "ecological" financial flows policy instruments, primarily on how the environmental, health, safety and labor impacts of the financial institutions and their customers operations and investments can be incorporated in conventional business decision making. This reflects the growing expectation that companies, including financial service providers, should conduct their business and operations in accordance with sustainable development criteria. In the business context, this is often also referred to as “Corporate Responsibility".
  • Information and analytical tools of international management
    The course examines quantitative and qualitative information and analytical tools necessary to the international Manager to make informed managerial decisions in conditions of uncertainty and risk.
  • Economic modelling
    The study of this discipline allows the student to gain knowledge on the theory of modern methods of modelling and forecasting of socio-economic processes at various levels of the hierarchy, and master the practical skills of solving economic problems on the basis of modern economic-mathematical methods and models.
  • Innovation management
    Main objectives of discipline: to prove concepts of development of hi-tech productions on the basis of domestic scientific and technical researches which can provide competitive advantages of production of the organizations of the industry and a services sector; to generalize the available knowledge of functions and methods of management of innovations, including of motivation of innovative activity; to acquaint with the main directions of the state support of science and development of the technologies providing creation of competitive production, effective use of innovative capacity of the organizations of the industry.

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