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Elena Petrovna Kostenko 

+7(988) 994-39-88

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

1. The factors of forming the national HR-management model.

2. Russian model of HR-management. Тhe imperatives of forming HR- management practice in modern Russia.

3. HR-management. Мodern HR-functions.

4. Evolution of the theory and practice of human resources management.

5. Мotivationof staff. Modern compensation system. Тhe formation and development of different approaches and methods of motivation in historical perspective: the early concept of motivation, approaches to motivation in the economic and management science.


  • History of Management.
    The discipline reveals the features of the evolution of the theory and practice of management in Russia and abroad.
  • Modern Concept of Human Resources Management.
    The discipline considers current concepts, technologies and tools of personnel management; features of personnel management in different countries.
  • Personnel Management in Project activities.
    The discipline considers the features of the implementation of the basic functions of personnel management (selection, adaptation, motivation, personnel training and development, personnel assessment, corporate culture management, etc.) in the field of project activities.


  • History of Management.
    The discipline reveals the features of the evolution of the theory and practice of management in Russia and abroad.
  • Modern Concept of Human Resources Management.
    The discipline considers current concepts, technologies and tools of personnel management; features of personnel management in different countries.
  • Personnel Management in Project activities.
    The discipline considers the features of the implementation of the basic functions of personnel management (selection, adaptation, motivation, personnel training and development, personnel assessment, corporate culture management, etc.) in the field of project activities.