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Elena Ivanovna Pochekaeva 

+7(961) 313-85-35


Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Based on the study of morbidity, mortality, and the results of the population survey and health risk assessment proanalizorany problem situations and ways out of them. Substantiation of health management model and quality of habitat.

Research projects:

Key research areas are related to the study of issues of interaction between environmental factors and risk assessment of the general morbidity of the population, the rationale of the system of measures to ensure the sanitary safety of the environment


  • Hygienic bases of sports activity
    Systematization of knowledge in the field of the sports activity, measures to protect the health and life, the nature of thinking and orientation of values in which the hygienic safety issues are addressed as a priority, general cultural competences needed for human health.
  • Health and Safety
    Health and Safety - this area of scientific knowledge, which studies the common dangers that threaten every individual, and develop appropriate methods of protection against them in all conditions of human life.
  • Integrated child safety and security of educational institutions
    Discipline refers to the professional cycle, which includes the following modules: Basics bezopasnosnosti educational institutions, foundations of medical knowledge, the basics of healthy development zhizni.Tsel discipline is a systematization of knowledge in the area of the health-saving activity, preventive measures to protect the health and life of students.
  • Fundamentals of medical knowledge and healthy lifestyle
    Systematization of knowledge and practical skills to strengthen and preserve human health in the implementation of biological, mental and physical function in the process of zhiznedeyatelnosti.Izuchenie physiological mechanisms for the formation and preservation of human health.