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Elena Ivanovna Butenko 

+7(863) 218-40-00

Senior lecturer

Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts

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Research interests:

Information technologies in architecture, urban planning, design, art.

Research projects:

For the discipline "Computer technologies in architectural design" was developed the author's methodical complex (Revit Architecture). For the course "Informatics and fundamentals of computer technology. 3D-modeling of architectural objects" have been developed variants of control works tasks for training manuals (AutoCAD). For discipline "Modern Information Technologies" was written "Multimedia tutorial" 3D modeling and visualization of architectural objects in the environment of 3D Studio MAX "In 2009, this textbook was awarded a diploma of the International Congress and Exhibition." Global education; Education without borders. " 

In 2014, she won the open international competition of teachers "success stories" "TOP 100 LEADING TEACHERS OF AUTODESK TECHNOLOGIES ".Under her leadership, the students who participated in the All-Russian scientific-practical conferences and marked by diplomas I, II and III degree.She carries out  the training of students in the Regional center of retraining in the field of computer graphics and 3D-modeling.


  • Informatics and Computer Basics
    Discipline is taught to IV year students of the specialty "Architecture" 270300AA4. Work in Autodesk 3ds Max software (entry level).
  • Computer graphics in arts and crafts / Computer technology in arts and crafts
    Discipline is taught to III year students of the specialty "Arts and crafts" 0726000. Work in Autodesk 3ds Max software (entry level).
  • The basics of computer technologies
    Discipline is taught to IV year students of the specialty "Architecture" 270300AA4. Work in Autodesk 3ds Max software (entry level).
  • The basics of computer technologies
    Discipline is taught to I year students of the specialty "Architecture" 270100 AP-1. Work in Corel.
  • Modern information technologies in architectural planning
    Discipline is taught to IV year students of the specialty "Architecture" 270100 AA4. Work in AutoCAD, 3ds Max, PowerPoint.
  • Computer technologies in architectural planning
    Discipline is taught to V year students of the specialty "Architecture" 270300AA4. Work in Revit Architecture software.
  • The basics of computer technologies
    Discipline is taught to II year students of the specialty "Architecture" 270300AA4. Work in AutoCAD (3D).
  • Computer design
    Discipline is taught to IV year students of the specialty "Interior Design" 07080300. Work in Autodesk 3ds Max software.
  • The basics of computer technologies
    Discipline is taught to II year students of the specialty "Architecture" 270300AA4. Work in AutoCAD (2D).
  • Computer graphics in design
    Discipline to IV year students of specialties "Graphic Design" 07080101DG4, "The design of the ambience" 07080300IN4,. Work in Autodesk 3ds Max software (entry level).
  • Computer practice
    It is taught to II year students . Work in AutoCAD (2D).