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Alexander Vadimovich Egorov 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 10102

+7(918) 556-52-52

Lead quality engineer

Southern Federal University

Associate Professor

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Research interests:


Alexander V. Egorov graduated from Taganrog Institute of Radio Engineering in 1978. His major is «Applied Informatics» with qualification «Engineer Mathematician».

Degree & Diplomas

Alexander V. Egorov has obtained PhD in Engineering sciences degree in 1984 and an Associate Professor diploma in 1999.

Professional Experience

Alexander V. Egorov has been working as a high school teacher since 1978. In 1995 he has obtained an appointment as a Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Law at Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering (now re-organized as the Faculty of Management in Economic and Social Systems of Taganrog Institute of Technology of Southern Federal University). Acting expert at the field of education: Federal state supervision in the sphere of education; license control; Federal State Educational Quality control in organizations engaged in educational activities.

Field of Scientific Research

  • Information systems
  • Databases
  • Knowledge bases

Other Professional Skills

Alexander V. Egorov has been particularly involved in the following programs of professional training:

  • Methods and Conceptions of Computer Testing (Moscow, 2005);
  • Management of Quality in Education (St. Petersburg, 2006);
  • Management of an Individual Professional Training of Students (Vlissingen, the Netherlands, 2007).


Alexander V. Egorov has about 50 scientific and methodical works.


  • Quality assurance of information systems
  • Application of modern information technologies in business and production
  • Information systems verification and support