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Elena Fedorovna Gutselyuk 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 13060

+7(863) 201-98-13

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

State, municipal, corporate procurement, institutional Economics, government regulation of the economy, support of subjects of small and average business.

Research projects:

Project name:
The economic and legal risks of the Russian system of state and municipal procurement: factors, assessment, reduction measures (localization).

Continuously developing Russian system of public procurement (in 2016 significant amendments were made to the 44th Federal law “Contract system in the procurement for state and municipal needs”, the Act of the Russian government about the limitations of purchases from foreign suppliers of electronic goods and foodstuffs was adopted, as well as other departmental acts regulating public procurement system) as an effective mechanism to satisfy the State's needs for goods and services is characterized by a number of specific features, the most important of which is a high degree of economic risks, especially the risk of corruption. The study reveals various anti-corruption instruments used in practice of procurement, including the evaluation rules for participation in the competition for state contracts. But, as is shown in our study, obedience to statutory regulations cannot always prevent subjectivity and favoritism of public customers, namely the corruption in the assessment of bidders’ applications. To overcome this failure of the public procurement system, certain effective methods of fuzzy set theory, which has many useful tools of adequate consideration of psychological, legal and other methods of reducing corruption in its disposition, are used. A model that provides localization of subjective preferences risk and favoritism of customers in the process of bidders’ applications evaluation was developed. Verification of this model has shown that it can be used to enhance the objectivity not only in the evaluation of applications, but also in the process of evaluating the criteria themselves, including the bidder qualification criteria. Although it requires the development of appropriate competencies with customers to work with the proposed model, but applying of the existing software allows to use the model effectively, reducing time and labor needed for the applications evaluation. In the long term period it provides increased objectivity in the assessment of applications The low level of competition in the bidding process (3 participants on average in 2015) is explained by the high level of favoritism of the customers, and on this basis certain psychological, technical (further electronization, particularly in the open competition), and legal methods to prevent opportunism of customers and suppliers are suggested. The subject of risk in public procurement is identified from the standpoint of its sociological and criminological characteristics. A statistical study of corruption in the public procurement system of the Rostov region was provided. The background, causes and characteristics of criminal activity in the field of public procurement are revealed, and on this basis the measures for its localization are proposed. The economic, civil, administrative and criminal risks of procurement planning are detailed. The economic and legal risks in the system of public procurement, escalated due to the reduction of state revenue under the conditions of the country starting to get out of crisis, are structured. Certain measures on localization of various types of economic and legal risks, identified at all stages of functioning of the contract system - planning, procurement, contract signing and its enforcement, examination of the results of its performance, are proposed. A model for the curbing of corruption in public procurement is developed, the directions of its reduction through the development of public procurement control system on the part of civil society are justified. The areas of institutional modernization of public procurement in the context of the localization of the zone of economic, administrative law and criminal risk are identified. The monitoring of various forms of criminal responsibility for crimes in the field of public procurement is executed, and on this basis a comparative legal analysis, that allowed to classify them, is conducted.


  • Государственные и корпоративные закупки
    Целью дисциплины "Государственные и корпоративные закупки" является: 1) ознакомление студентов с отечественной практикой построения экономических отношений между государственными и муниципальными заказчиками и хозяйствующими субъектами; 2) ознакомление студентов с методами определения поставщика (подрядчика, подряда), которые могут быть использованы при выходе государства на рынок товаров, работ и услуг и решении широкого круга экономических, правовых и управленческих задач, стоящих перед бюджетными и коммерческими организациями; 3) привитие студентам уверенных практических навыков эффективного расходования бюджетных и корпоративных средств при закупках для государственных, муниципальных и коммерческих нужд.
  • Закупки товаров, работ и услуг физическими юридическими лицами
    Дисциплина зачитывается в магистратуре. Целью является углубленное изучение отечественной практики построения экономических отношений между определенными видами юридических лиц, выступающими в качестве заказчиков, и их экономическими агентами, а также нормативно-законодательной базы, регулирующей закупки товаров, работ, услуг отдельными видами юридических лиц и внедрение информационно-коммуникационных технологий при их закупках.
  • Управление государственными и муниципальными закупками
    Целью освоения дисциплины является формирование компетенций, обеспечивающих способность анализировать решения, принимаемые в области закупок материальных и нематериальных ресурсов, на основе знаний микроэкономической, институциональной теории и менеджмента.
  • Информационное обеспечение закупок и цифровые технологии в экономике и закупках
    Цели освоения дисциплины: формирование специальных знаний и умений для развития профессиональной компетентности в области информационных технологий при осуществлении государственных и муниципальных закупок, их использования в рамках контрактной системы при закупках товаров, работ, услуг для обеспечения государственных и муниципальных нужд в соответствии со статьями Федерального закона N44-ФЗ, который раскрывает использование информационных технологий в сфере закупок.