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Ekaterina Evgenyevna Aydarkina 

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

 Improving the economic mechanism of stimulation rational water consumption in the region

Research projects:

1. Improving the economic mechanism of stimulation of rational water use in the region: principles, methods and tools : the materials of the water management complex of the Rostov area : the dissertation ... of candidate of economic Sciences : 08.00.05 / Aidarkina Ekaterina Evgenevna; [a protection Place: the South. Feder. Univ]. - Rostov-on-don, 2014. - 219 S.

2. Anopchenko, T. Y., Grigan A. M., Muravyeva N. N., Aidarkina E. E., etc. current research and management practices in the socio-cultural service and tourism: monography. South Federal University. - Rostov-on-don Media-Policy, 2015.

3.Team building in organizational management: theory and practice. Monography / E. E. Aydarkina. – Southern Federal University. – Rostov-on-
Don: Publishing House "Media-Policy", 2016.

4.Laskova T. S., Aidarkina E. E., etc., The practice of increasing the competitiveness of regional enterprises: monograph/ count. authors. - Moscow: RUSYNS, 2017. - 128 p. 

5.Aydarkina E. E. etc., Applied aspects of formation of strategies of development of regional organizations: monograph/ number of authors. - Moscow: RUSYNS, 2017. - 138 p.


  • Project management under risk and uncertainty
    The discipline allows to study the main approaches to the identification and assessment of project risks, to form skills of practical application of quantitative and qualitative methods of project risk assessment
  • Analytical tools for strategic decision-making
    This discipline allows you to gain knowledge, skills and abilities to use analytical tools in making management decisions for the long term
  • Methods of management decision-making
    Discipline allows you to create a system of bachelors knowledge, skills and competencies that ensure their quality management decisions
  • Project management
    The discipline allows students to form knowledge and skills in the development, decision-making and evaluation of decisions in the field of project management
  • Strategic management
    The discipline allows bachelors to form an idea of the system of strategic planning in enterprises and organizations, types of strategies, the impact of the external environment on the development of companies, the main stages, methods and features of the development and implementation of the strategy
  • Organizational behavior
    The discipline allows bachelors to gain theoretical knowledge and acquire practical skills in managing the behavior of people in the organization

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