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Elena Sergeevna Basan 

Associate Professor

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

methods and tools for information security in wireless networks, probability theory, the application of methods of mathematical statistics and the theory of decision-making in the field of detection of abnormal behavior in a group of mobile objects, ground robotics, security assessment methods of mobile robotic vehicles and wireless networks

Research projects:

Initiative research projects N 2.6244.2017/8.9

RFBR grant No. 17–07–00106_Ⱥ  “Development of a method and of an effective system of protection of wireless sensor
networks active attacks”



  • Network Security
    Network security is now an integral part of computer networking. Network security involves protocols, technologies, devices, tools, and techniques to secure data and mitigate threats. Network security solutions emerged in the 1960s but did not mature into a comprehensive set of solutions for modern networks until the 2000s. Network security is largely driven by the effort to stay one step ahead of ill-intentioned hackers. Just as medical doctors attempt to prevent new illness while treating existing problems, network security professionals attempt to prevent potential attacks while minimizing the effects of real-time attacks. Business continuity is another driver of network security. Network security organizations have been created to establish formal communities of network security professionals. These organizations set standards, encourage collaboration, and provide workforce development opportunities for network security professionals. Network security professionals should be aware of the resources provided by these organizations. The complexity of network security makes it difficult to master all it encompasses. Different organizations have created domains that subdivide the world of network security into more manageable pieces. This division allows professionals to focus on more precise areas of expertise in their training, research, and employment. Network security policies are created by companies and government organizations to provide a framework for employees to follow during their day-to-day work. Network security professionals at the management level are responsible for creating and maintaining the network security policy. All network security practices relate to and are guided by the network security policy. Network security is divided into domains of network security, and network attacks are organized into classifications so that it is easier to learn about them and address them appropriately. Viruses, worms, and Trojan horses are specific types of network attacks. More generally, network attacks are classified as reconnaissance, access, or denial of service (DoS) attacks. Mitigating network attacks is the job of a network security professional. In this chapter, you will master the underlying theory of network security, which is essential before beginning an in-depth practice of network security. The methods of network attack mitigation are introduced here, and the implementation of these methods comprises the remainder of this course.