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Elena Andreevna Yakovleva 

+7(906) 183-13-86

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Research interests:

Behavioral economics, happiness and well-being economics, management of labor behavior

Research projects:

Since 2009, in order to improve my professional level, I do research of labor market trends and opportunities to use the number of scientific behavioral economics theory achievements in organization's management. Also a number of my scientific papers are devoted to describe the model of effective labor behavior. Within the framework of my scientific activity I took part as a co-author in the monograph "The adaptation of graduates to the primary labor market", and the textbook "Human Resource Management Organization: research methods."

Since 2015 I am the head of the student's project research activities.

In April 2016, together with the head of SFU Faculty of Economics of the Department of Human Resource Management I participated in the strategic sessions devoted to the specialists training quality with representatives of business and consulting agencies.

In November 2016, together with a colleague we carry out a research project "Analysis of the well-being and happiness of scientific and pedagogical staff."

Participant of the research initiative of the research team of the Faculty of Economics of the Southern Federal University, which in 2018 received support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR grant 18-010-00952 “Study of Russian subjective well-being on the example of scientific and pedagogical workers: factors and dynamics”).


  • HR consulting and recruitment
    Contents Module I. The modern concept of human resources software company. Topic 1. Introduction. The modern concept of human resources software company. Theme 2. Competence as a corporate expression of demand for high-quality human resources. Module 2: Theoretical Foundations of consulting activities Topic 1. History of origin and development consulting services. Professional associations of consultants Theme 2. The consulting service and consulting services market. Theme 3. Stages of consultancy work. Module 3: Practical aspects of consulting in the area of ​​personnel policy and training Theme 1. Human resource consulting: the nature, function and structure. 2. Subject selection system personnel consulting companies. Theme 3. Work Scenarios consulting firms with the corporate organizations. Theme 4. Consulting personnel policy and recruitment. Theme 5. Consulting personnel training.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
    Contents Module I. Foundations of the concept of corporate social responsibility Topic 1. Introduction. Subject. The evolution of the concept of corporate social responsibility. Theme 2. The concept of stakeholders as an alternative scientific direction. Subject 3.KSO theory and strategic management Module 2 main forms of corporate social responsibility Subject 4.Rol responsibility in corporate type of organization Subject 5.Potrebnost, the necessity and possibility of corporate social responsibility. Topic 6. Building a CSR system Module 3. Responsibility and Sustainable Development Theme 7. Corporate social responsibility and the competitive advantages of the organization Theme 8. Factors CSR efficiency Subject 9. The role of intellectual capital in improving the efficiency of corporate social responsibility
  • Management of personnel development
    Contents MODULE 1. GLOBAL TRENDS IN TRAINING AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT AND THE SITUATION IN RUSSIA Topic 1: The learning organization and knowledge management as a strategic business function. Theme 2: Analysis of the main theories of organizational learning. MODULE 2. METHODS OF TRANSITION TO AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE Educational KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Theme 3: Staff evaluation as a management tool. Relationship personnel evaluation with other human technology. Topic 4: Methods of determination (skill gaps) difference between desired and current skills / expertise of staff and the creation of ways to reduce them. Theme 5: Evaluation within the performance management (performance management). MODULE 3. FORMS AND METHODS OF ADVANCED TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF STAFF IN MODERN Topic 6: Modern technology development staff. The experience of Russian and foreign companies. Topic 7: Development of motivation to learn: how to encourage managers to participate in the projects of internal training, how to encourage employees to self-training. Topic 8: Innovative technology development staff. The development of corporate universities. Subject 9: Evaluation and analysis of the performance of staff.
  • Psychotechnologies of manager`s communication
    Communicative competence. Methods and methods of business communications. Technicians coming into contact. Technology of belief. Resistance to comformism. Fundamentals of psychology of communication.
  • Management of staff development
    Module 1. Global trends in staff training and development Module 2. Methods of transition to a learning organization and the implementation of knowledge management Module 3. Forms and methods for improving the training and development of personnel in a modern organization