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Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Morozova 

+7(989) 518-91-35

Associate Professor

Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Studies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Resources of political power, the contemporary state of political conflict, political conflict, political regionalism, features of contemporary Russian politics, methods of teaching of science, modern concepts of education and their adaptation to the educational process and subjects of political nature.

Research projects:

"Resources of political power: an institutional analysis."


  • political conflictology
    Political conflictology is the study of regularities of emergence and development of political contradictions and conflicts, the means of their prevention, resolution and management.
  • political regionalism
    Political regionalism is a new research area under development. The origins of this discipline must, on the one hand, political science is, on the other ; the regional studies, or regional studies. At the present time sufficiently developed to consider economic, historical, legal and cultural-civilizational aspects of regional studies research; in turn, political issues must take their rightful place in a number of regional studies knowledge. In this political regionalism may incorporate the body of knowledge gained in other research areas in the social Sciences and to focus on the achievements of modern regional studies.
  • The political process in post-Soviet Russia
    Features of the political process are its heterogeneity, dynamism and complexity at different stages of development. An objective reason for the variability of the political process can be, for example, the collapse of the state, and subjective - change ruling elites or certain political actors, the emergence of new or transformation of old institutions and political life. The historical traditions and the development period, the country also affect the political process and determine its characteristics.
  • Methodology of teaching of political science
    In the process of studying the discipline generalizes the experience of teaching of political science in the University, analyzes the problems arising in the course of the educational process and discusses their solutions and the methods of holding classes, active independent work of students while studying political science.
  • The modern concept of education
    Within the courses taughtconsidered fundamental approaches to the goals, objectives and means of upbringing and education, widely recognized in developed countries since the middle of the twentieth century. The role of influential schools of philosophy (pragmatism, existentialism, neo, etc.) in their formation. Justified the classification of modern concepts of education and training on the basis of their basic settings with the release of the four major trends: conservative, humanistic, irratsionalistical and scientistic-technocratic. The close relationship of all educational doctrines with the needs of post-industrial society, with the objectives of the boards-traditional Western values (individualism, liberalism, democracy) to maintain the loyalty of the existing system. Noted their lack of attention to ethical values in the strict sense, the objectives of harmonization of relations of the individual and society.