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Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Maro 


Associate Professor

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

Head of the Centre

Academy for Engineering and Technologies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Symmetric Block Ciphers, Algebraic Analysis, Boolean Systems of Equations, Side-channel Attack, Gamification in Information Security Education.

Research projects:

Postgraduate course, Department of Information Security, Southern Federal University, Taganrog, 2009-2012
Research work: “The development of algorithms based on algebraic cryptanalysis methods for the Feistel scheme”
Junior Researcher, South-Russian Regional Training and Research Center of Information Security Problem, Southern Federal University, Taganrog, 2010- 2015.
“Certification and licensing on information security”.
“Personal data protection in the Russian Federation”.
“Applying of PKI for e-commerce and electronic document management”.
Assistant, Department of Information Security, Southern Federal University, Taganrog, 2010- 2017
Labs and practical on the courses:
“Cryptographic methods of information protection” (2010-2011).
“The hardware and software data protection” (2011-Present).
“Security analysis of cryptographic protocols” (2014-2017).
Tutorial “Methods of protection against unauthorized use of
applications by keys HASP HL”
Supervisor of eleven student’s degree theses (2011-2021).

Associate Professor, Department of Information Security, Southern Federal University, Taganrog, 2017- Present

“The hardware and software data protection” (2011-Present)
Obtaining knowledge on the use of existing software and hardware information security, as well as acquiring skills in the development, design and operation of secure computing systems.

Protocol security analysis(2014-2017)

"Introduction to Information Security" (2019-Present)

Obtaining basic knowledge in the field of information security in terms of solving the problems of ensuring the compliance of the informatization object with the requirements of regulatory and methodological documents on Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC) and Federal Security Service (FSS) and the use of modern methods of information protection.

Hardware security (2020-Present)

Obtaining basic skills and knowledge in the field of hardware security and the implementation of attacks at the hardware level.

Researcher in scientific group for grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR):

  • “Research of reliability of symmetric encryption algorithms by methods of algebraic cryptanalysis” (Head - Maro E.A., N12-07-31032-mol_a);
  • “Research and development of parallel algorithms for evaluating cryptographic protection of information” (Head - Professor of the Department of BIT, Dr. Babenko L.K., N09-07-00245-a);
  • “Research of reliability modern hashing functions to different methods of analysis” (Head - Professor of the Department of IS, Dr. Babenko L.K., N12-07-00037-a);
  • “Assessment of vulnerability of modern cryptographic systems using analytical methods based on solving systems of equations” (Head - Associate Professor of the Department of IS, Ph.D. Ishchukova E.A., N12-07-33007-mol_a_ved);
  • “Development and research of algorithms of fully homomorphic encryption” (Head - Professor of the Department of IS, Dr. Babenko L.K., N15-07-00597-a);
  • “Development and research of parallel algorithms for evaluation of reliability of encryption standard GOST” (Head - Associate Professor of the Department of IS, Ph.D. Ishchukova E.A., N15-37-20007-mol_a_ved).
  • “Research and development of models of safe interaction of participants on the basis of social networks in the gamified educational environment” (Head - Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, Safonov K.V., N19-013-00711-a).


Grant of the Russian Science Foundation “Development and research of algorithms for assessing the strenght of modern cryptographic tools based on the side channel attacks” (Head - Maro E.A., N19-71-00041)


  • The hardware and software data protection
  • Security analysis of cryptographic protocols (2014-2017)
  • Introduction to Information Security
  • Hardware security

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