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Elena Aleksandrovna Azarova 

+7(918) 537-45-78

Associate Professor

Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Personal page in English:

Research interests:

The problems of domestic violence, the criminophilistic aspect, the problems of family upbringing, the problem of the formation of dependence, the spiritual and moral education and education, the cognitive sphere of bilingualism, the cognitive features of left-handed people.

Research projects:

Study addictive personality traces.

Studying the peculiarities of the cognitive sphere of bilinguals and left-handed people.


  • General psychology
    Forms general ideas about the laws of mental development, the cognitive processes of the individual, the main spheres of the individual - motivational and needful, the sphere of individual differences, etc. Forms the student's psychological competences for the realization of labor functions within the professional standard "Teacher", "Teacher-psychologist"
  • Educational Psychology
    Forms the competencies required for the future teacher and psychologist at the realization of his labor functions. Includes the content of technologies and practices of interaction between subjects of the educational space
  • Psychology of personality and activity of the teacher
    Course, revealing the characteristics of the individual and the activities of the teacher, taking into account the specifics of professional activity, including image and value orientations
  • Psychological support of the teacher
    Reveals the features of psychological diagnosis, assistance, support, support and correction of the individual and the activity of the teacher, taking into account his professional trajectories and activities, as well as taking into account the educational organization.
  • Interhemispheric asymmetry of the human brain
    A special discipline for master's programs aimed at studying cognitive psychology. It reveals the peculiarities of the connection between the cognitive processes of the personality and their brain structures. Special attention is paid to left-handed people and bilinguals.
  • Juvenile Psychology
    Discipline introduces students to the peculiarities of juvenile legal psychology. Features of the formation of the personality of the offender, his characteristics. Peculiarities of the personality of juvenile delinquents, peculiarities of behavior in a criminal group. Novels of criminal behavior - suicidal clubs, the dominant of addictive behavior among adolescents and youth, sect, it.d. A number of preventive and preventive measures to prevent criminal behavior in adolescents and youth
  • Psychology of addiction
    Forms an idea of the essence, forms, forms, causes and consequences of addictive behavior