Irina Vladimirovna Dotsenko
Associate Professor
Institute of Earth Sciences
Research interests:
The study of the biogeochemical transformation processes of heavy metals in river and sea waters and mixing zones.
Research projects:
The head of the grant of President of RF in support of young scientists - candidates of Sciences, "The Role of biota in the transformation of the concentrations and fluxes of mercury and other TM on the boundary "water-bottom sediments"(2007-2008), head of research undertaken under activities 1.2.2 "Carrying out of scientific researches by scientific groups under supervision of candidates of science" Federal program "Scientific and Scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" "The Role of hydrological factors in the formation of concentrations and fluxes of heavy metals in the zone of mixing of river-sea" ; 2009, 2013. The head of the research by the internal grant of southern Federal University "Development of the theory of formation and functioning of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, assessment of the capacity of their sustainability and miraserver mass transfer of substances in conditions of anthropogenic press and climate change" (2013); Member of the scientific staff of the Leading scientific school of Professor Fedorov Yu. a., REC "Global and regional geographical and environmental research and innovation" (hands. Prof. Fedorov Yu. A.), The International French-Russian associated laboratory "Transformation of contaminants in aquatic ecosystems and assessment of their vulnerability".
Physical geography of continents and oceans
Regional ecology
The basics of landscape design and phytodesign
Theory and practice of reserved business
Modern problems of ecology and environmental management and international cooperation in the field of environmental protection
Physical geography and biogeography, geography of soils and Geochemistry of landscapes