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Dinamutdin Nesreddinovich Misirov 

+7(938) 100-09-96

Associate Professor

Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences


Southern Federal University

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Professional self-determination, the motives of choice of profession, creative personality development, graphics, engineering graphics.


  • Graphics
    The study of " Graphics" allows students to read and perform sketches, technical drawings, blueprints and diagrams; images of products that are associated accordingly with the design, manufacturing and operation of various machines, mechanisms and devices, buildings and structures.
  • Psychology of professional activity
    In the course "Psychology of professional activity" provides an insight into the professional activities, classification of occupations, professional competence and professional selection, disclosed the concept of "job analysis", "mental graph" and addresses the issue of research methods in psychology professional activities. Introduces the main periodisations of human development as a subject of labor, reveals the concept of "individual style of activity of the personality", gives an idea of ability as a factor influencing the effectiveness of professional identity, provides an insight into the typology of professional identity crises, deals with the issue of stress in the professional activity, highlights the problem of professional adaptation of the person, provides an insight into the needs and motives of the individual, the issue of classification of motives, special attention is paid to the concept of "work motivation of the individual.