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Dinara Nurgalievna Ivanova 

+7(918) 557-67-77

Associate Professor

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Research interests:

Title: associate Professor

Degree: Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Additional information: 

Associate Professor, English Language Department for the Humanitarian Faculties of the Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication, SFU

Candidate of Sociological Sciences., Associate Professor 
-  defended the  thesis "Sociolinguistic dynamics of modern Russian society (24.03.2000) 
-was  awarded the academic title of Associate Professor (20.10.2004).

1. Monographs

Current issues of language policy ( in collaboration with Pshegusova G. S. ). Rostov-on-don, SFU, 2014. 

 The issues of language policy and planning in multi-ethnic regions. – Saarbrucken, Deutschland: Publishing house Lap Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, 2011

Sociolinguistic dynmaics of modern society (in collaboration with Pshegusova G. S., Yarovaya L. E.) Rostov-on-Don, 2015



2. Publications in journals with a two-year impact -factor that contribute to the RSCI:

"New approaches to the study of linguistic conflicts" in the collection of scientific works SWorld. –Issue 1. Volume 16. - Odessa, Kuprienko SV, 2014. S. 25-31.

Publication of the Chapter "a New socio-cultural trends" in the collective monograph "Literature and linguistics: past, present, future", Odessa, Kuprienko SV, 2015а Science of the Third Millennium"Article (co-authored with Glazunova L. S. Konstantinovsky pedagogical College) "the Role of a foreign language in the formation of civil identity" in the collection of articles of the International scientific and practical conference New Ssiepse Generation, Petrozavodsk
Article in the collection of materials of the III all-Russian conflictological scientific and practical forum "Vectors of development of modern conflictology" on December 3-4, 2019, From the SFU "Language conflicts and their solutions in a multi-ethnic region: a geopolitical analysis", p. 80-84.
 Article (co-authored with Zabubenina I. 2-year master's student "cultural Studies"in the collection of materials of the III all-Russian conflict research and practical forum" Vectors of development of modern conflict studies "on December 3-4, 2019, From the SFU "On the issue of language identity", from 84-88.
article "Semiotic model of verbal space" in the electronic journal "Engineering Bulletin of the don" N 4.2018 ( co-authored with E. N. Donchenko) 

3. Publication in the journalsincluded in the  list of Supreme Attestation Commission:


"Language as a form of manifestation of social culture" (co-authored with Donchenko E. N.) in the journal "European Social Science"- N5, Volume 2. Moscow, iz-vo an international research Institute, Pp. 222-231.


"Reduplication in English" (in collaboration with Pshegusoval G. C., Yrovaya L. E.) in the journal "European Social Science"- N7, Volume 1. Moscow, iz-vo an international research Institute, Pp. 267-271

Ivanova D. N. Specifics of the subject area of legal discourse/ Ivanova D. N., Kosonogova O. V. / / Science and education: Economy and Economics; entrepreneurship; law and management; Rostov-on-don: KMC "Kopitsentr", N 10 (65) -2015. ; pp. 110-115.
 Article (co-authored with Donchenko E. N.) "Model of reproduction of social scenarios in the system of interaction of language with social culture" "Engineering Bulletin of the Don" N 2
 Article (co-authored with Donchenko E. N.) "Semiotic model of language as a tool for studying language conflicts" in "Engineering Bulletin of the Don" N 6
Article (co-authored with Yarova L. E. DSTU) "Model of the typology of language policy "in the" Engineering Bulletin of the don "N 7 Report at the III all-Russian conflict research forum" Vectors of development of modern conflict science "on December 3-4, 2019," Language conflicts and their resolution in a multi-ethnic region: geopolitical analysis

4. Reports in Russian and foreign language at  international conferences.


The report in Russian, "Linguistic culture" at the International scientific-practical conference "Theory and practice

Participation in the scientific Symposium "Science of the XXI century and Challenges" (co-authored with Assoc.Kosonogova O. V.). February, 2015 Received the diploma of the participant of the Symposium.

The report in the Russian language "Language conflicts in the polyethnic region" at the International scientific-practical conference "Prospects of development of modern science", Ufa, June 27-28 , 2014. 

The report in English "Language Study Techniques" (in collaboration with prof Pshegusova G. S.) at the International scientific conference " Technologies and Education", October 30-31 2014, Yambol, Bulgaria, the Thracian University. 

The  report at the III all-Russian conflict research forum" Vectors of development of modern conflict science "on December 3-4, 2019," Language conflicts and their resolution in a multi-ethnic region: geopolitical analysis"
5. Textbooks 

1. Textbook "fundamentals of professionally-oriented translation" Izd-vo yufu, 2018 (co-authored with G. S. Phagosomal)
2. Textbook in English for law students (co-authored with O. V. Kosonogova) "Difficulties in translating English-language legal texts: linguistic features of the language of English-language law" From the Foundation for science and education, 2019, 9.7 p. l.

6. The organization t regional / national / international

student conference

Organization and conduct of the section in English in "Social culture and topical issues"

Participation in Intern. scientific-practical. conference "Prospects of Development of Modern Science," a joint report Ivanova D. N., Glazunov a "Language conflicts in the polyethnic region" on 27 June 2014 (certificate of participation)

Educational-methodical resources

Research projects:

Joint projects with scientific organizations of the region

Joint research project of the Department of English of humanitarian faculties of the Institute of Philology, journalism and intercultural communication, SFU Department of linguistics and foreign languages DGTU "a Compilation of research corpus of contemporary English with the purpose of studying socio-cultural dynamics of the society"


  • English course