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Dmitry Vladimirovich Vorontsov 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 11620

+7(903) 439-10-36

Head of the department

Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

gender study, queer study, gender psychology of communication and interaction, socio-psychological aspects of human sexuality

Research projects:

1. Dichotomy of Homo- and Heterosexuality in Young Men Construct of Masculinity

2. Gay Masculinity Attractiveness as Indication of Women’s Gender Expectations Transformation in Russian Society 

3. Doing Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in Social Interactions

4. Inclusion of Sexuality in the Educational Process: Sociopsychological Facets of Normativeness/Non-normativeness in Pedagogic Activity

5. Social psychology of heteronormativity in students

6. Sociopsychological factors of antiretroviral therapy adherence in people living with HIV/AIDS


  • Gender psychology of communication and interaction
    Special subject for MA in psychology (gender theory, queer theory, expression of gender identity in communication and interpesonal interactions, gender and queer research)
  • Societal psychology
    Optional subject for post-graduate students in Psychology (the influence of social environment, institutions, structure onto the individual's thoughts, feelings and actions and vice versa)
  • Socio-psychological influence upon an individual and group
    Special subject for students in Defense and Law Performance Psychology (introduction into desing and improvings of group training programs)
  • Gender psychology and psychology of sexuality
    Subject for students in Clinical psychology (the course developes the competences of sociopsychological analysis and consideration of both gender and human sexuality; the course focuses on understanding of social psychological factors involved in sexuality; it also emphasizis the newly social methods of the scientific psychological investigation of gender and sexuality.

Download CV (pdf)