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Dmitry Grigorievich Shaposhnikov 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 10284

+7(903) 434-01-99

Associate Professor

Faculty of Physics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Research works were carried out in the framework of neuroinformatic approach combining experimental and modeling studies. It created soft-and-hardware setup for psychophysical tests with registration of eye movements and EEG. A series of tests was aimed at the study of the dynamics parameters of eye movements (duration of fixations, saccades amplitude, shape of viewing trajectories, the location of the most informative areas). According to the results of tests the model of the viewing trajectory formation was designed. The model gives the opportunity to evaluate the role of different levels factors (from the size of the brightness gradients upto influence prior experience) affecting to the gaze shifting. A number of original algorithms and methods to identify and describe the context of informative fragments of images, based on the simulation of the properties of visual perception (the heterogeneity of information from the center to the periphery, orientation selectivity, context coding) were developed. The behavioral model of vision was modified to solve the problems of person identification, classification of medical images, determinatoin of the human head position in the tomogrfy, and management of computer applications.

List of publications:

Podladchikova, L.N., Shaposhnikov, D.G., A. Kozubenko, E. Towards neuroinformatic approach for second-person neuroscience // Studies in Computational Intelligence. ; 2021. ; v. 925. - pp. 143-148.  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-60577-3_16

Shaposhnikov D., Podladchikova L., Lazurenko D., Kiroy V., Search for quantitative parameters of scan path of image viewing by biologically motivated model // Advances in Applied Physiology - 2021. -v. 6. -N. 1. - pp. 9-13. doi: 10.11648/j.aap.20210601.12 (Open Access)

Shepelev I.E., Bakhtin O.M., Lazurenko D.M., Saevskiy A.I., Shaposhnikov D.G., Kiroy V.N. A novel neural network-based approach to classification of implicit emotional components in ordinary speech // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics). - 2021. -v. 30. - iss. 1. -pp. 26-36. Q2.  DOI: 10.3103/S1060992X21010057

Podladchikova L., Shaposhnikov D., Koltunova T., Lazurenko D., Kiroy V. Spatial and temporal properties of gaze return fixations while viewing affective images // Advances in Applied Physiology. -2020. - v. 5. -No.2. - pp. 42-47. DOI: 10.11648/j.aap.20200502.16 (Open Access)

Kopeliovich M., Kozubenko E., Kashcheev M., Shaposhnikov D., Petrushan M. Impact of assistive control on operator behavior under high operational load // Studies in Computational Intelligence. - 2020. vol. 856. pp. 53-61.

Samarin A.I., Podladchikova L.N., Petrushan M.V., Shaposhnikov D.G .Active Vision: From Theory to Application // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics). - 2019. - V.28. -Iss. 3. - pp.185-191, Q1 (

Shaposhnikov D., Podladchikova L. Detection of Initial Moment of Head Motion by Neural Network Modules // Studies in Computational Intelligence. - 2019. - V.799. -pp.216-220 (

Podladchikova L., Samarin A., Shaposhnikov D., Petrushan M.  Modern Views on Visual Attention Mechanisms. // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.  - Springer, Cham, 2018. -v 636. -p.139-144. (

Podladchikova L.N., Samarin A.I., Shaposhnikov D.G.,  Koltunova T.I., Petrushan M.V., Lomakina O.V.  Modern ideas about the mechanisms of visual attention. Monograph. Rostov-on-Don: Out of SFedU, 2017. -  168 p. ISBN 978-5-9275-2330-6.

Podladchikova L.N., Koltunova T.I., Shaposhnikov D.G., Lomakina O.V. Individual Features of Viewing Emotionally Significant Images // Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. – 2017. –V. 47. –Iss. 8. pp. 941-947  DOI: 10.1007/s11055-017-0495-y (

Koltunova T.I. , Podladchikova L.N. , Shaposhnikov D.G. , Vladimirski B.M., Syrkin L.D., Kruchkov B.I. , Usov V.M. Dynamics of the Duration of Gaze Fixation and Event-Related Potentials on Presentation of Fading-In Images and Distractors // Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 2017.
47 (3), с. 321-327  DOI: 10.1007/s11055-017-0400-8 (

Kiroy V.N., Bakhtin O. M., Minyaeva N. R., Shaposhnikov D.G., Aslanyan E. V., Lazurenko D.M. Contingent Negative Variation during Prospective Activity //  ZHURNAL VYSSHEI NERVNOI DEYATELNOSTI IMENI I P PAVLOVA. 2017. V.67. Iss. 3   pp. 299-311 (

Lomakina O., Podladchikova L., Shaposhnikov D., Koltunova T. Spatial and Temporal Parameters of Eye Movements During Viewing of Affective Images // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. -2016. –V.449. – pp. 127-133.  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32554-5_17 (

Samarin, A., Koltunova, T., Osinov, V., Shaposhnikov, D., Podladchikova, L.  Scanpaths of Complex Image Viewing: Insights From Experimental and Modeling Studies. Perception. V. 44, Iss. 8-9, P. 1064-1076. SAGE Publications Ltd, 2015.  DOI: 10.1177/0301006615596872. (

Kiroy V.N., Lazurenko D.M., Shepelev I.E.,  Minyaeva N.R., Aslanyan E.V., Bakhtin O.M., Shaposhnikov D.G., Vladimirskiy B.M.  Changes in EEG spectral characteristics in the course of neurofeedback training // Human Physiology. 2015. V.41. N3. pp. 269–279.   DOI:10.1134/S0362119715030081  (

Osinov V.A., Pelmeneva E.S., Shaposhnikov D.G. Classification of medical images using a model of formation of the trajectories of the examination // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. – 2015. – 4. – рр.705-709.  DOI: 10.1134/S1054661815040203  (

Anishenko S., Beylin D., Stepanov P., Stepanov A., Schaeffer S., Shaposhnikov D., Smith M., Weinberg I.  Evaluation of a video-based head motion tracking system for dedicated brain PET // Medical Imaging 2015: Physics of Medical Imaging, edited by Christoph Hoeschen, Despina Kontos,
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9412, 94121P (


Research projects:

RSCF N 20-19-00627, Development of the stimulus-independent brain-computer interface for the rehabilitation of people with motor disabilities, 2020-2022

Project part of the State assignment "Development of a software and hardware complex to control the level of attention and the psycho-emotional state of pilots and persons of the control team in order to improve flight safety", N 2.955.2017/4.6 (2017-2019)

Southern Federal University Grant N 213.01-2014/001,  Research and modelling of mechanisms of visual perception in order to develop methods for non-contact monitoring and human behavior  2014-2016

RFBR N 11-01-00750, Modeling the dynamics of visual attention on the theory of active vision, 2011-2013

RFH - Academy of Finland N 09-06-95218a/F,  Automatic analysis of the facial expressions in the social and emotional interaction between man and machine technology   2009-2011

Southern Federal University Grant N 213.01-24/2013-53, Study the efficacy results of video observation and the characteristics of the electrical activity of the brain to develop methods for monitoring the functional state of individual pilots and controllers shall, 2013

Southern Federal University Grant N 213.01-2014/001,  Research and modelling of mechanisms of visual perception in order to develop methods for non-contact monitoring and human behavior  2014-2016