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Daria Nikolaevna Brayko 


Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies

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Research interests:

Social sciencies


Социальные науки

Research projects:

Sociological research:

Socialization of youth in the Rostov region (2011).
Student self-government as a factor in the socialization of youth (2014).,
Modeling of social partnership in the field of student self-government (2016),
Assessment of the quality of educational services for students of the Southern Federal University (2015 - 2016)

Социологические исследования:

  • Социализация молодежи Ростовской области (2011 год.),
  • Ученическое самоуправление как фактор социализации молодежи (2014 г.).,
  • Моделирование социального партнерства в области студенческого самоуправления (2016 г.),
  • Оценка качества образовательных услуг студентам Южного федерального университета (2015 -. 2016 гг)


  • Regional sociology
    Course Objectives: - to present an integral theory of regional sociology, including the main concepts and methodological approaches to the analysis of the territorial organization of the society, methods and technologies for its diagnosis; - to reveal the main paradigms and strategies for managing the regional society; - show the complexity and deep structure of the social space of society, the diversity of forms of socio-territorial communities and social ensembles; - to give a theoretical presentation and practical skills on methods of regional forecasting, programming and regional development of regional social systems, diagnostic methods and social monitoring of the dynamics of regional social systems.
  • Sociology of consumer behavior
    The purpose of the discipline "Consumer behavior" is the formation of students' ideas about the specifics, patterns and forms of behavior of consumers of goods and services in modern conditions. Tasks of the discipline: • To acquaint students with the basics of consumer behavior analysis, the essence and specificity of the sociological approach to the analysis of consumer behavior and the practice of conducting research in this direction; • Integrate previous knowledge of students and develop skills in using specific methods of research and analysis of consumer behavior; • Carry out an analysis of basic sociological concepts for the development and conduct of consumer behavior studies using sociological and marketing methods.
  • Sociology for geologists
    The student must: To know: - the subject, structure and functions of sociology, basic laws and The category of the discipline under study; - the main stages of socio-cultural development of society and factors Social development; - the essence and forms of social interactions and relationships; - the nature of social processes, the emergence of specific interests Social communities and groups; - the social structure of the individual as a subject of social action and Social interaction; Status-role concept of personality; - the process and stages of socialization of the individual; The mechanism of social Control; - historical types of social inequality and stratification; Character and The causes of horizontal and vertical social mobility; Features Stratification of Russian society; - the main social institutions that ensure reproduction Public relations; - types and structure of social organizations, the mechanism of their management; - the basic mechanisms of management of social processes in the modern Society, ensuring social stability and social development; - Typology, the main sources of the emergence and development of mass Social movements; Features of communication processes in modern Society; Mechanism for the formation and functioning of public opinion; - Specificity of interpersonal relations in groups; Features of formal and Informal relations; The nature of leadership and functional responsibility; - mechanisms for the emergence and resolution of social conflicts, regulation Mutual relations of social communities, groups and ethnic groups. To be able: to solve typical mathematical problems,