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Elena Anatolevna Buraeva 

Senior researcher

Research Institute of Physics

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Radioecology, migration of radionuclides, radioactivity of the atmosphere, plants, gamma spectrometry, dosimetry, environment.

Research projects:

1. The Federal Target Program "Research and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for 2009-2013. The agreement on the grant of August 17, 2012 N 14.A18.21.0633 with the additional agreement of 18 March 2013 N1. Project: "Study of the transport of natural and artificial radionuclides in the surface air layer of the temperate latitudes."  2012-2013 y,.
2. The Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The project 13-08-01413 "The influence of external and internal parameters of the processes of distribution of toxic elements in ecosystems of the Rostov region."  2013-2015 y,.
3. Internal grant of the Southern Federal University. Registration number of R & D: 213.01-24 / 2013-23. Project: "The radioactivity of natural and urbanized areas of the North Caucasus." 15.12.2013 - 01.05.2013y.
4. The Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The project 16-08-20125 "All-Russia seminar with international participation" Radiation and industrial ecology ": 2016 y

5. The Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The project 12-08-90401-Ukr_a "Mechanisms of the formation and transport of radionuclides in the earth's atmosphere."  2012-2013 y,.
6. The design of the internal grant of the Southern Federal University. Project N 213.01.-07.2014 / 13PCHVG "Development of highly sensitive gamma-ray and X-ray spectrometric methods of diagnosis radionuclides and heavy metals in the environment (soil, vegetation, sediment, water, atmospheric aerosols, rocks) of natural and man-made hazardous systems."  2014-2016y.
7. The base part of the internal grant of the Southern Federal University. Project N 213.01-2014 / SH-011 "Sustainability of substances and materials in a variety of solid-state".  2014-2016 y.