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Boris Victorovich Gurenko 

+7(928) 168-72-12

Senior researcher

Research Institute of Robotics and Process Automation

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Сontrol theory, robotics, software development, development of control systems, navigation and communication of robotics systems

Research projects:

The main research results were presented at the first All-Russian scientific conference of students and graduate students (with international participation), "Robots, mechatronics and intelligent systems", Taganrog, 2005 .; All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Advanced Systems and Control Problems", p. Dombai at 2008 -2015 g .; All-Russian "Eureka 2008" review competition, Novocherkassk; the first international conference "Automation and control systems and intelligent environments", Nalchik, 2010 .; XI All-Russian scientific conference of young scientists, students and graduate students "Technical cybernetics, radio electronics and control systems", Taganrog, 2012 .; the second conference of young scientists and specialists of the Moscow branch of the Academy of Navigation and Motion Control, Moscow, 2010 .; youth scientific-practical conference "Modern look at the problem of technical sciences", Ufa, 2014 .; XXXVII International scientific-practical conference "Engineering - From Theory to Practice", Novosibirsk; XXVI-XXVII International extramural scientific-practical conference "Scientific discussion: issues of technical sciences", Moscow, 2014 .; III All-Russian scientific conference of young scientists and students SAILS 2014, Taganrog; X Triennial International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements (Serbia), 2010 .; IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium, LARS 2013; 9th World Congress the International Federation of Automatic Control, Cape Town, South Africa, 2014 .; 4th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, WCSE 2014; Second Intl. Conf. on Advances In Mechanical and Robotics Engineering - AMRE 2014.
Developments relating to research scholarship awarded nominal Head of Administration (Governor) of the Rostov region in 2011 for the special abilities in science, prize "winner-students SFU" The best research work ", 2009, the diploma of the winner of Russian StartUp Tour 2014 . with the project "Development of adaptive autonomous unmanned boat control systems", the medal "winner VVC", 2005 .; 18 gold medal of the Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies Archimedes-2015 for the development of "intelligent control system of the robotic cutter" thank-you letter the Minister of Economic Development of Rostov region for the contribution of young scientists to the development of the region's innovative capacity.
Theoretical and practical research results Gurenko BV used in the performance of R & D performed under the orders of various ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, the main of which are:
1. ROC "Development of small-sized complex navigation and motion control for AUV", 2010;
2. R & D "The development of the intellectual movement of autonomous underwater vehicle control systems", 2012-2013 g .; Research "Development of autonomous robotic systems based on a surface mini-vehicle", 2013 .;
3. ROC "Development of standard management platforms AUV" 2013-2014 g;
4. OCD "Development of the technical design of a number of promising types of AUV platforms" 2013-2014 g .;
5. R & D N114041540005 "Theory and Methods of positional-trajectory management of marine robotic systems in extreme conditions and the conditions of uncertainty of the environment";
6. RFBR N13-00249 «Development and research of theoretical bases of designing nonlinear technical objects control systems in conditions of uncertainty on the basis of equivalent transformations form of equations";
7. Development of theoretical bases of construction and study of moving objects control systems that operate in a priori formalized environments with unstable regimes (RFBR Grant 10-08-00219-a), 2010-2013;
8. Development of a method of optimum analytical synthesis of multiply non-linear control systems (RFBR Grant 10-08-00200-a), 2010-2012;
9. R & D "Development of methodical maintenance of test aircraft systems and their systems", 2010 .;
10. R & D "Development directions of creation of information system interfaces combat helicopter and remote-controlled aircraft," in 2010;
11. R & D "The development of the prototype control systems of unmanned stratospheric airship", 2011-2014 g .;
12. R & D "Multi-level transport system MAAT", 2011-2015 .;
13. R & D "Managing mobile units under uncertainty", 2012-2013 .;
14. R & D "The development of robust control methods for moving objects in the conditions of unmeasured disturbances on the basis of block Lyapunov functions, 2013-2014 g .;
15. R & D "Research and development of methods to adapt the position-moving objects trajectory control systems", 2013-2015 g .;
16. R & D "Development of pilot project of creation of the navigation system, control system, communication system and data transmission unmanned stratospheric airship long loitering to inform EKR", 2012-2015 .;
17. R & D "The development of theory and methods for the creation of intelligent positional-trajectory

Key results Gurenko BV contained in 70 printed works, including 1 monograph (co-authored), and three textbooks (co-authored), 32 articles in leading scientific journals recommended by HAC to publish the results of work on the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences, 13 reports in materials and abstracts of All-Russian and international conferences, 13 international journals, 3 patents for utility models and 6 copyright certificates


  • Automatic Control Theory
    Theory of Automatic Control (TAU) - scientific discipline that studies the automatic control processes objects of different physical nature. At the same time with the help of mathematical tools to identify the properties of automatic control systems and develop recommendations for their design. It is part of robotics and is designed to develop general principles of automatic control, as well as methods of analysis (operation research) and synthesis (the options) Automatic Control Systems (ACS), technical objects.