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Elena Aleksandrovna Berezovskaya 

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Simulating modelling

Organizational Behavior

Bysiness Analytics


  • Simulating modelling
    The purpose of studying this discipline is to deepen students' knowledge in the field of construction and use of simulation models for analysis and forecasting of various processes in socio-economic systems. To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be solved: understanding the basics of simulation modeling; familiarization with the basic tools of simulation modeling; identification of conditions for building adequate simulation models; mastering techniques for building models of system dynamics; acquisition of skills in working with iThink and AnyLogic simulation packages.
  • Introduction in Bysiness Analytics
    Purpose; to study and understand how to put into practice the basic methods and tools of business analysis.
  • Methods and Models of evaluating of investment projects
    The purpose of studying this discipline is to deepen students' knowledge in the use of modern mathematical methods and models for analysis and economic evaluation of the effectiveness of investment projects.
  • Organizational Behavior and Bysiness Analytics
    The purpose is to study the features of conducting business analysis in the subsystem of human resource management of the organization