He was head of R & D (Grant), made in 2013 in the framework of the Program of development of the Southern Federal University
1. Subject of research: "Investigation of the architectural scenography reconstructed environment of the city center - as a factor in strengthening the tourism image (for example, Petrovsky Boulevard in g.Azove)."
2. R & D register number: state registration number 01201367336; registration number of R & D 213.01-24 / 2013-163
3. The nature of research: applied research
4. Head of R & D: Skopintsev Anatoly Veniaminovich
Prof. Skopintsev AV He is the curator of the contest project teams and student groups AAI SFU on the theme: "The design concept of the formation of continuous linear park along the river Temernik in Rostov-on-Don".
Venue: Education Building ADA SFU
Str. Gorky, 75
Time: 15/02/2016 - 05/14/2016
Theoretical bases of design: design of architectural environment
Module1. Basic concepts and definitions of design of architectural environment
Topics module: The concept of the architectural environment. Urban planning typology of forms of the urban environment. Varieties of models of architectural environment for functional and geometric features. The concept of architectural environment design. The concept of the "fence", "tablet", and "filling". Form perception of the urban interior. Architectural and planning tools formation of the urban environment shape.
Module 2: Fundamentals of composite formation of public urban spaces
Topics module: Architectural "idea" and "themes" in the design environment. The compositional structure of the medium. Types accent-dominant structures. Methods of combination of architectural themes in the formation of urban environment.
Module 3: Architecture and design objectives of environmental design
Topics module: Stages and objectives of the project of formation of the architectural environment. The scope and scale of the environment. The integrity of the environment. Signs of the harmonization of the environment. Detailed architectural and spatial solutions. Consistency architectural and artistic solutions in environmental design. Receptions composite system combining spaces. The account of functional features in the architectural and design solutions. Compositional techniques of negotiation and pedestrian traffic. The problems of urban areas.
Design and project analysis in environmental design.
The content of the discipline.
Module 1: The subject of pre-analysis and its place in the process of environmental design.
Topics module: The concept of the pre-project analysis. Project analysis - as a way to generate "new". The process model of pre-analysis in environmental design. Architectural concept and design - the concept in different types of jobs. Design by peers and without prototypes. Predesign analysis and specific design object in environmental design. Methods and techniques to stimulate the search for creative solutions conceptual ..
Module 2: The technology of pre-analysis in environmental design.
Topics module: Method of drawing up "tree of objectives" in the pre-analysis of the environment. The study urban planning, functional and spatial features of the situation. Compositional analysis. Identify major composition - important characteristics of the context. Visual analysis of the context. identify "visual code" method. Morphological analysis of the context. Identify patterns and archetypes of urban context. Historical and cultural analysis. A study of the historical environment, the interaction of the "old" and "new" Examination of the prototype. Landscape analysis. Structural components of the natural and man-made landscape. Predesign analysis architectural and landscape environment.
Module 3: The concept of the project analysis. Tools and forms of aesthetic control of architectural and design solutions.
Topics module: The concept of the project analysis - as a way to complete the project. The implementation of the design concept of environmental object. Features of the formation of the composite environmental structures. The principles of harmonization of design solutions. Methods of correction and conversion of the composite scheme of environmental complex. Functional and spatial correction and large-scale coordination of environmental solutions
Fundamentals of architectural environment equipment
Module 1: Basics of project classification and typology of modern forms and types of architectural environment equipment.
Topics module: The concept of the architectural environment equipment. Trends in the development of complex equipment and the principles of its design. Basics of project classification equipment. Nomenclature of the main types and forms of equipment
Module 2: Fundamentals of process equipment for residential, public and industrial environment
Topics module: Technological equipment for various forms of media. Sredy.Oborudovanie equipment production and corporate identity company. Technological equipment of open public spaces. Functional and consumer hardware requirements. Ways of optimization of the equipment under environmental ensembles
Module 3: Designing the communicative environment equipment
Topics module: Lighting equipment of the urban environment. Equipment light-color medium goroda.Oborudovanie visual communication of the urban environment.
Module 4 Equipment architectural and landscape and recreational environment
Topics module equipment leisure and recreation. Equipment for the exploitation of natural components. Geoplastika device and water recreational environment.
Graphic design
Module1. Species and Technology of Graphic Design
Topics module: Introduction to Graphic dizayna.Tipografika technology. The photographic design. Advertising Design. Computer design. Form style. Art and design graphics. Architecture and design (design) graphics. Competition schedule (style "paper architecture").
Module 2: Graphical modeling planar composition; identifying image features.
Topics module: Forms planar graphical modeling. Sculpture plastic level simulation. Demonstration schedule.
Module 3.Hudozhestvenno-graphical object modeling environment based on the complex "axonometric constructions"
Topics module: Three-dimensional graphic modeling. Methods of dynamic allocation and layout of 3-D objects. Modeling cut, color structure.
Module 4. Figuratively, graphic modeling and styling fragments of architectural environment.
Topics module: Simulation of panoramas, spatial plans, specific content of the picture. Methods of graphical modeling "figure-ground", "accent dots", "contour movement." Forms of environmental graphic design. Landmarks in environmental systems. Simulation of light and dynamic environment.
design diploma
Module 1. Clarify the concept of the architectural object. Formation program of project activities for its implementation.
Topics module: Issue the task. Analysis of the results of the architectural design (CP N14). Klauzura: refined shape of the object model. Selection of the leading composite and design strategy.
Module 2: Creative development. The adjustment and transformation of the composite structure of the architectural object
Topics module: Klauzura: updating and detailing the general plan of the building or complex. Refinement of the technological structure of the object. Klauzura: functional-typological model of design object. Adjustment and detailed architectural and planning structure of the object or complex. Klauzura: compositional model of the projected building or structure.
Module 3: Project development. Detailed space-planning solutions, the formation of the interior space (interior).
Topics module: Klauzura: shaped detailing projected objects. The large-scale coordination of the ensemble in the urban environment. Klauzura: the concept of the internal space (interior). Section: "interior design".
Module 4. Related sections of the project.
Topics module: Architectural design. Engineering equipment. Fire safety. Economy.
Module 5: Graphic design project. Formation of exposure and explanatory notes.
Topics module: Preparation of working drawings of the album. Making the final exposure for the diploma project. Preparation of explanatory notes describing all sections of the project
Architectural Design
The complexity of the discipline - 10 SET. This discipline refers to the "project" and "scientific creativity" profile master's educational program 07.04.03 "Design of architectural environment" and is included in the variable part block B1 disciplines and modules; graduate study at 1, 2 and 3 semester. Module 1: Pre-analytical studies and the formation of the design concept of environmental objects (complex) on WRC T E M A number 1 Introductory lecture. Aims and objectives of the course project in the upcoming semester. Functional and spatial types and variants of classification of modern environmental objects. Features of the formation of different types of built environments. Issue of design assignment. The study of the situation. Check in place, the survey of environmental context ensemble measurements, photographic images. Formation program of project activities. T E M A number 2 Urban Development Analysis of the initial situation of the space: the existence of separate areas and functional areas, specialized transport infrastructure, communications and technological schemes of functional zoning of multi-purpose space designed environment and the current situation; circuit traces and pedestrian traffic; centers of attraction and architectural landmarks in the building of the current situation T E M A number 3 Pre-study of visual characteristics of the interior portion: identifying accent-dominant relationships in the three-dimensional structure of the context of development, large-scale articulation, the nature of the underground rhythm. Contrasting combinations and "conflicts" in the structure of the current context of the environment. Charting factor analysis (style building proportional to the series, composite communication features of the landscape and topography, insolation, dendrological analysis, historical). Collection of materials, the study of environmental objects-analogues for stylistic directions. Building Grafoanalitichesky schemes. T E M A number 4 Problematization design problem. Determination of the composite leading to the interior of the designed object of environmental, based on their functional program. Formation of new architectural and planning, composition and spatial framework of environmental object projected on the WRC. The concept and the new way of protection of the projected band. Klauzura N1. "Conceptual model of environmental and shape of the object on the WRC." Development and delivery of a course project on the subject. "Predesign analysis and design concept of environmental object" 2 semester. Module 2: Formation of the composite structure of the designed object of environmental T E M A number 5 Formation of structure of pedestrian and transport communications, clarification of functional objects projected loads of environmental complex. "Theming" composite media solutions, comparison of options. Design input nodes. Development accent-dominant relationship tiers of functional zoning, nature-rhythm subway facades and visual barriers in the area of the projected band. Development and creative iterpretatsiya existing contradictions, contrasts and conflicts in the form of medium. Their solution based on the new architecture in the formulation of environmental projected ensemble. T E M A number 6 Formation of the adjusted master plan of environmental complex in view of life scenarios, functional areas and zones in its multi-purpose space. Development of the "plate" of environmental ensemble: ground and underground levels, geometry relations, paving, water and green lawn poverhnocti coatings forming a barrier-free environment for people with limited mobility (MGN). Klauzura N2. "The compositional and architectural and planning structure of environmental complex." Development and delivery of a course project on the subject. "The compositional structure of environmental objects relating to the WRC" 3 semester Module 3. The development of filling elements, equipment and visual communications in the designed environment, T E M A number 7 Detailed master plan of environmental complex. Formation of structure elements fill the space of environmental ensemble, the development of equipment system (for rest, recreation, engineering, special), facilities improvement and landscape design (fountains, bridges, retaining walls, geoplastiki microrelief, green sculptures, etc.), Small forms (sculptures , symbolic forms), trade and bus shelters, etc. T E M A number 8 Develop a color script for vehicles and pedestrians. Formation of advertising and information space designed environment. Visual Communications, color zoning system, the articulation of volumes, spatial orientation of environmental ensemble techniques and coordination of pedestrian traffic. Klauzura N3. "Design and visual communications equipment designed environment." T E M A number 9 Lighting design environment of the projected environment: formation of light and spatial perception of the script the night, multi-media and holo-gram in the night the interior; Information filters and applicative facades; color contrasts and combinations of rhythms, the neck of
Research work
The complexity of the discipline - 9 ZET.Dannaya discipline refers to the "project" and "scientific creativity" profile master's educational program 07.04.03 "Design of architectural environment" and is included in the variable part block B1 disciplines and modules; graduate study at 1, 2 and 3 semesters. The content of the discipline. Module 1: Research of features of the objects of study and architectural environment systems Formulation of formation of the research structure of the relevance, goals and objectives, object and subject, the research hypothesis. Preparation of the structure and content of the research on the subject of WRC. Collection of Literary and normative data about the object of research. A review of existing classifications, features, and a brief description of each classification group. Selection of the most popular destinations (study abroad). Identifying the existing theoretical approaches to solving problems. Analysis of the existing theoretical approaches to solving the problem. Identify their strengths and weaknesses. Collection of data in the literature about the functional and spatial features of the object of study. Collect material. Identification and construction of the existing functional and spatial structure of schemes and activity-object collection of environmental data in the literature on architectural planning and compositional features of the object of study and analysis of the material search. Identification and construction of existing and future architectural and planning schemes and the composite structure of environmental objects generalization and analysis of the literature. Data collection. Analysis of existing solutions. Compile lists of elements. The study of solutions. Formation of a scientific article in a collection of articles with the formation of an overview of existing approaches to solving the problem of the preparation of abstracts. The report is generated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.32-2001 "Report on research work. The structure and rules of registration "and the requirements for registration of references Module 2: Collecting and analyzing factual data. Collection of theoretical and factual information about the subject. Study selection borders. Making a list of the objects. Search, photographic images, and the development of graphic materials. Gathering support programs, graphical-analytical materials, descriptions, photographic images and graphic reconstruction (depending on the grade and purpose of the research object). Structuring (classification and systematization) of the collected material. Classification of materials collected by group (featured). Choosing from each group the most typical examples of a number of features. Identify requirements and factors influencing the subject of research. Requirements and factors, depending on the grade and purpose of the test of environmental objects, which include: urban planning, architectural planning, design, engineering, composite, aesthetic, ergonomic and other demands.. Analysis of the data, drawing conclusions Analysis of selected objects on the identified requirements and factors. Formation of a scientific article in the collection. Formation of a scientific article with the results of the analysis of existing design solutions. Preparation of scientific and technical report of the Scientific and Technical Report must contain a description of the factual research data. The report is generated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.32-2001 "Report on research work. The structure and design rules "and the requirements for registration of literary sources. Module 3. Formation of the conceptual model and framework developed a composite model of the architectural environment of the object formation hypothesis. Formulation of the problem. Development of theoretical and architectural and spatial concept of the investigated species architectural environment Developing the conceptual model. Formation of the generalized structure of the developed architectural and spatial sredovoj system. The principles of its formation and functioning of the project Development of a composite model. Development of the composite structure of the test of environmental objects; description of composite connections and patterns, the content of the material and spatial components required for sredovoj system. Method development (environmental approach). Formation of the model design process, description of the functioning of the developed theoretical models (composition, activity, scenario-functional, and others.) The study of the architectural environment. Experimental testing methods of verification of the model performance in creative and a pilot project on the subject of architectural environment design, taking into account site-specific design. Formation of a scientific article. Formation of the final scientific article with the results of the research and results. Formation Research report Scientific and technical report must contain a detailed description of the proposed approach and include all stages of formation and testing of the theoretical m
Predesign analysis and research design
The complexity of the discipline - 6ZET. This discipline refers to the "project" and "scientific creativity" profile master's educational program 07.04.03 "Design of architectural environment" and is included in the base of the unit B1 disciplines and modules; study the masters on 2 course 3 semester. The content of the discipline. Module 1: Methods of research in solving problems of multifactorial Architectural Design. Topics module: Methods of analysis and synthesis. Signs of classification. Typological table. Solution of multifactor problems in Architectural Design. Methods of scientific knowledge and graphical-analytical studies in the pre-project analysis of the architectural environment. The method of drawing up "tree of objectives" - as a way of solving problems in multivariate environmental architectural design level "objectives tree" in the pre-analysis and examination of the original context. The programming project activities. Models of pre-analysis of the various options of context. Language graphical analysis. Methods and forms of graphic-analytical studies sredovoj situation. Module 2: Methods of graph-analytical studies in different types of pre-analysis. Topics module: Methods of graphic-analytical study urban situation: the functional zoning of the composite frame, communications, and traces of movement, morphology sredovoj situation of objects. Grafoanalitichesky research landscape complex composite structure: types of accent-dominant relationship, the composite frame area Historical and Cultural Analysis and Graphic analytical study design: architectural styles and artistic characteristics of the context of patterns of color and environment. Compositional analysis of a fragment of the urban environment: identifying accent-dominant relationships, composite axes, centers, landmarks, "power" and the forming lines. Analyzing Traces and traffic communications. Identification of the carcass, portals, gateways, nodes, storage devices and other. elements of the communicative environment. Analysis of the relief and geoplastiki site. Configurations of forming lines. The typology of landforms. The visual and compositional characteristics of the site topography. Visual analysis of architectural and landscape environment. Identification of three-dimensional, sculpture, graphics, tsvetotonalnoy textured structure of the landscape. Architectural and artistic context and semantic analysis. Identifying patterns, figurative and associative characteristics of the medium. Analysis of the information content of the medium (accents, symbols, landmarks, etc.) Module 3: Modeling methods in the design and analysis of the research design of the architectural environment. Topics module: Project analysis and model architectural and design create an environment. Methods of "subordination" of artistic components in environmental ensemble. Methods of "transformation" of the functional, spatial and compositional structure of environmental objects in the course of research and variant modeling. Methods of "granularity" of architectural and spatial solutions in the course of the research design. Levels, steps and grades of detail. Methods for conversion of decorative plastic characteristics of environmental object. Methods of "reconciliation" and "aesthetic control 'architectural and artistic solutions of the test and the projected track of the environment. Methods of organizing "conflict" and the architectural subordination of "order" in the study of environmental sector. Figuratively associative analysis and synthesis. Methods of "composite associations" space systems and the identification of the architectural image of the object in the process of environmental research design