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Aleksandr Vitalyevich Semergey 

+7(863) 218-00-40

Associate Professor

Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts

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Research interests:

Graphic artist, painter, member of the Union of Artists of Russia.
He was born in 1984.
In 2008 he graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts PI SFU.
Since 2009, he has taught at the Faculty of Fine Arts in the specialty "Graphics" SFU.
He teaches at the department of painting, drawing and sculpture SFU.

Member of the Union of Artists of Russia, from 2018 to the present, an artist-trainee of the creative graphics workshop of the Russian Academy of Arts (Moscow). Associate Professor of the Department of Painting, Graphics and Sculpture of the Southern Federal University. Awarded with the gratitude of the rector of SFU M.Borovskaya for participation in creative and public projects and promotion of the SFU brand.

The works are in the Rostov Regional Museum of Fine Arts, the Azov Historical-Archaeological and Paleontological Museum-Reserve, the National Cultural Center "Kazan", the Latvian National Library, in private collections in Russia and abroad. Awarded the Gratitude of the Russian Academy of arts in leadership degree projects in the specialty "Art", southern Federal University, diploma of the Union of artists of Russia for success in work and promote the development of fine arts of Russia.


  • plastic anatomy
  • composition of easel graphics art
  • technology of printed graphics
  • drawing