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Anna Vladimirovna Danilenko 

Senior lecturer

Southern Federal University

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Research interests:

health care is an important factor of life-affirmation and personality formation.


  • "Culture of health",
    The course focuses on the role of physical education in cross-cultural and professional training of students; biological and social bases of physical education ; the bases of students healthy lifestyle. The course also contains the features of physical education means usage for workability optimization.
  • "Safety"
    The course contains the basic points of life safety; life safety in natural and biological emergencies, manmade emergencies, home, city and transport emergencies. It introduces socially dangerous phenomena and protection against hazards; civil defense.
  • "Physical education"
    This course includes general physical training (GPT) and aims to specialization in various types of sport.
  • "Culture of health",
    The course focuses on the role of physical education in cross-cultural and professional training of students; biological and social bases of physical education ; the bases of students healthy lifestyle. The course also contains the features of physical education means usage for workability optimization.
  • "Safety"
    The course contains the basic points of life safety; life safety in natural and biological emergencies, manmade emergencies, home, city and transport emergencies. It introduces socially dangerous phenomena and protection against hazards; civil defense.
  • "Physical education"
    This course includes general physical training (GPT) and aims to specialization in various types of sport.