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Anna Valerievna Babikova 

Associate Professor

Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Economics and management of national economy (in industries and activities). Innovative economy, industrial economy, the corporate sector of the economy, information technology in the economy.

Research projects:

Grant of the R H F Topic N 14-02-00293 «Models and mechanisms of the dual development of public corporations, regions and sectors in the trend of economic growth and technological modernization" (the head).

FEASIBILITY STUDY OF ENGINEERING PROJECTS IN INNOVATION ECONOMY(textbook with the stamp of the Training Association)

Interaction Model of Government and Public Corporations in a Market Economy (Research Article)


  • The investment activity of the enterprise
    Formation at the future skills of specialists in the organization and planning of investment activity of the enterprise, the various tasks on the basics of evaluating the effectiveness of investment processes, developing an understanding of the interconnectedness of economic processes that lead to the investment attractiveness at different levels of management, the ability to identify and assess the risks associated with investment activities, study the strategy and tactics of management of investment portfolio of the company, the study of foreign experience in attracting investment resources at the firm level