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Anastasia Yurievna Nikitaeva 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 13024

+7(863) 250-59-59

Head of the department

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Industrial devepolment, public-private partnership, innovative development of the regional economy, e-government development, рroject management, Innovative development of industrial sphere, Interaction of Government and Business in the Economy System

Research projects:

2017 Participent of initiative scientific project of fundamental character, supported by the Southern Federal University [grant number ВнГр-07/2017-13, 09.03.2017] Methodology and mechanisms of management of resource ensuring strategic development of the South of Russia

2015-2016 Partnership technologies of activization of the innovative industrial development in the South of   Russia (Russian foundation for Humanities);

2013  Peripheral regions with multistructure economy in networks of globalization and in the conditions of asymmetric the practicing of market regulation: strategy and risks of modernization, SFU;

2012  University and local community. Possibilities of innovative development of the territory, MION;

2011  Technologies of asynchronous training at modern university, SFU;

2008-2011 Innovative educational project «Transition to Interdisciplinary Programs at RSU(TRIP)”.

2008   Research Project "Development of the Atlas "Global positioning of the South of Russia:  resources, infrastructure, competitive factors"

2008  Project  “Educational, scientific and innovative environment integration in developing innovative-scientific complex “Department of economics and management”

2004, 2005    Project “Informational technologies in educational process”

2002-2003     Elaboration on Strategic Plan of  Rostov-on-Don Development till 2009


  • Project management
    The aim of the discipline is to provide: An understanding of the nature of the project, project life cycle and an appreciation of the impact of risk and uncertainty on project outcomes; An introduction to project planning and various quantitative techniques used in the planning, structuring, evaluation, and implementation of projects; Participants with the tools and skills necessary to manage a range of projects; A holistic view of project management. Structure of the course Module 1. The project management framework. 1.1. The content of project and project management 1.2. The project life cycle 1.3. Structuring in project management Module 2. Financial decisions in project management 2.1. Project cost management 2.2. Quantitative methods of Project evaluation 2.3. Risk evaluation in project management Module 3. Management of project implementation 3.1. Project monitoring and control 3.2. Project team management 3.3. IT in project management After completing the course, the students are expected to be able to: define types, kinds and specific characteristics of projects in order to build an appropriate system of project management; apply main methods of project planning and structuring; know how to manage the flow of project information during the various phases of the project estimate and allocate project resources; be able to manage the various types and sources of risk that are the primary responsibility of the project supervisor. During the course students will develop: creative activity (firstly, all projects are unique and the creative approach is necessity to provide project effectiveness; secondly, most of the successful projects are innovative; understanding of this statements and various role games will develop students creative abilities); skills of working in a project team (some tasks and cases of the course are to be solved by the interaction within the project team); logical skills (projects must be developed logically and skills dealing with such planning will enhance the students rational abilities); enhanced quantitative skills (much of the material taught is of a quantitative nature which can be applied in business and industry). The following methods and forms of study are used in the course: Lectures; Seminars; Discussions; Business games; Self-study; Use of different reference books and Internet resources. At the end of the each module of the course the students are supposed to perform a project task, make an oral presentation, participate in discussion and answer the test questions. Upon the successful completion, the students will gain 3 credits. During the semester students are required to: attend class lectures; participate in seminars; write a project; represent the main ideas of a project in oral presentation at the seminar; 100% of interactive study is provided in the class. Current control is holding in the form of project tasks, oral and written tests, essay and reports.
  • Управление проектами
    The discipline "Project Management" aims to develop theoretical knowledge and basic practical skills in relation to making and evaluating decisions in the field of project management
  • ВВедение в проектную деятельность

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