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Alеna Nikolaevna Timoshenko 

Senior researcher

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies


Southern Federal University

Associate Professor

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:


Southern Federal University, D.I. Ivanovsky Academy of Biology and Biotechnology

2008-2013 - Bachelor of Ecology in Ecology and Environmental Management. Graduation qualification work on the topic: "Structural-temporary organization of the community of buried invertebrates of the natural monument" Persian steppe ""

2013 - 2015. - Master. Graduate qualification work on the topic: "The influence of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb pollution and oil on the biological properties of brown carbonate soils of Crimea."

2016-2019 postgraduate student of the Department of Ecology and Nature Management of the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology of SFU. The topic of the dissertation is "Assessment of the ecotoxicity of heavy metal nanoparticles (Cu, Zn, Ni, Fe) on biological indicators of soil condition."


2016-2019 Associate Researcher, Academy of Biology and Biotechnology, SFU

2019-2021 - Senior Researcher, Academy of Biology and Biotechnology, SFU

from 11.11.2021 to the present - leading researcher labor


1.Timoshenko A., Kolesnikov S., Varduni V., Ter-Misakyants T., Nevedomaya E., Kazeev K. Assessment of Ecotoxicity of Copper Nanoparticles. Ecology and Industry of Russia. 2021;25(4):61-65. (In Russ.)

2. Kolesnikov, S.; Timoshenko, A.; Minnikova, T.; Tsepina, N.; Kazeev, K.; Akimenko, Y.; Zhadobin, A.; Shuvaeva, V.; Rajput, V.D.; Mandzhieva, S.; Sushkova, S.; Minkina, T.; Dudnikova, T.; Mazarji, M.; Alamri, S.; Siddiqui, M.H.; Singh, R.K. Impact of Metal-Based Nanoparticles on Cambisol Microbial Functionality, Enzyme Activity, and Plant Growth. Plants 2021, 10, 2080.

3. Alena Timoshenko, Sergey Kolesnikov, Vishnu D. Rajput, Tatiana Minkina. Effects of Zinc-oxide Nanoparticles on Soil Microbial Community and Their Functionality // Zinc-Based Nanostructures for Environmental and Agricultural Applications Nanobiotechnology for Plant Protection. CHAPTER 14. 2021, Pages 267-284

4. Kolesnikov, S.; Minnikova, T.; Minkina, T.; Rajput, V.D.; Tsepina, N.; Kazeev, K.; Zhadobin, A.; Nevedomaya, E.; Ter-Misakyants, T.; Akimenko, Y.; et al. Toxic Effects of Thallium on Biological Indicators of Haplic Chernozem Health: A Case Study. Environments 2021, 8, 119.

5. Kolesnikov S.I., Varduni V.M., Timoshenko A.N., Denisova T.V., Kazeev K.S., Akimenko Y.V. Estimation of Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of Cobalt, Copper, Nickel and Zinc Oxides on Biological Indicators of the State of Ordinary Chernozem. South of Russia: ecology, development. 2020;15(1):130-136. (In Russ.)

6. Varduni V.M., Kolesnikov S.I., Varduni T.V., Timoshenko A.N., Kazeev K.Sh. Influence of nanopowder contamination of oxides Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ti, Fe, Al, Si on the state of common and agricultural plants chernozem: monography/ - Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog: Southern Federal University Publishing House, 2020. – 130 с. ISBN 978-5-9275-3592-7.

7. Kolesnikov, S.I., Timoshenko, A.N., Kazeev, K.S., Akimenko, Y.V., Myasnikova, M.A. Ecotoxicity of Copper, Nickel, and Zinc Nanoparticles Assessment on the Basis of Biological Indicators of Chernozems. Eurasian Soil Science, 2019, 52(8), стр. 982–987

8. Kolesnikov, S.I., Timoshenko, A.N., Kazeev, K.S., Akimenko, Y.V., Soldatov, A.V. Comparison of ecotoxicity of nickel and iron oxides and their nanoforms. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 12(2), стр. 549–553

9. Kolesnikov S., Vernigorova N., Kuzina A., Kazeev K., Kostenko I., Timoshenko A., Ter-Misakyants T., Nevedomaya E., Akimenko Y. The Limits of Resistance of Soils and Ecosystems of Crimea to Heavy Metals Pollution. Ecology and Industry of Russia. 2019; 23(10):56-60. (In Russ.)

10. Kolesnikov S.I., Timoshenko A.N., Kazeev K.Sh., Akimenko Yu.V., Myasny-kova M.A. Assessment of the ecotoxicity of copper, nickel and zinc nanoparticles by biological indicators of chernozem//Soil science. 2019. N 8. Page 986-992.

11. Timoshenko A.N., Kolesnikov S.I., Kazeev K.Sh., Akimenko Yu.V. Change in biological indicators of Seropescus after contamination with nanoparticles Cu, Zn and Ni//News of higher educational institutions. North Caucasus region. Series: Natural Sciences. 2019. N 2 (202). C. 106-110.

12. Varduni V.M., Kolesnikov S.I., Timoshenko A.N., Kazeev K.Sh., Akimenko Yu.V. Influence of nanoparticles Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3 and SiO2 on the biological state of ordinary chernozem//News of higher educational institutions. North Caucasus region. Series: Natural Sciences. 2019. N 3 (203). C. 95-100.

13. Timoshenko A.N., Kolesnikov S.I., Kazeev K.Sh., Akimenko Yu.V., Kuzina A.A. The effect of the toxicity of nickel nanoforms and nickel oxide on the biological indicators of ordinary chernozem//Agrochemical bulletin. 2019. N 6. C. 53-57.

14. Timoshenko A.N., Kolesnikov S.I., Kazeev K.Sh., Dmitriev P.A. Change in the intensity of initial radish growth on ordinary chernozem when contaminated with Ni, Zn and Cu nanoparticles//Database registration certificate No. 2018622039 dated 13.12.2018

15. Timoshenko A.N., Kolesnikov S.I. Assessment of the effect of nickel and nickel oxide nanoforms on radish germination on ordinary chernozem//Abstracts of reports of the II International (XV Regional) Scientific Conference "Technogenic Systems and Environmental Risk." Obninsk. 2018. C. 252-253.

Research projects:

1. Grant from the President of the Russian Federation on state support of leading scientific schools "Agroecological assessment and forecast of soil conditions for ensuring environmental safety and increasing productivity."N NSh-3464.2018.11. (2018-2019);
2. Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia: "Assessment of the stability of the main soils and terrestrial ecosystems of the Azov-Black Sea region to priority human impacts". N 5.5735.2017 / 8.9. (2017-2019);
3. Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "Ecological condition and functioning of soils and terrestrial ecosystems of the Azov-Black Sea region in natural conditions and under anthropogenic influence". N 6.345.2014 / K. (2014-2016);
4. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation on state support of leading scientific schools "Ecological and agricultural functions of soils under anthropogenic load". N NSh-9072.2016.11. 213.01-10 / 2016-11 (2016-2017).
5.     Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of leading scientific schools "Agroecological state of soils under various anthropogenic influences". NSH-2511.2020.11. Gr PR / 2020-NSH 01-AB.  (2020-2021). Hands. Kolesnikov S. I.
6. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. State task (basic part). "Assessment of the resistance of the main soils and terrestrial ecosystems of the Azov-Black Sea region to priority anthropogenic impacts." N5.5735.2017/BCh. 2017-2019.
7. Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation. State task in the field of scientific activity (N 0852-2020-0029) "Assessment of ecological safety of natural and anthropogenic-modified ecosystems," 2020-2021.