Alexander Sergeevich Skaliukh
+7(863) 297-52-82
Associate Professor
Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science named after of I.I. Vorovich
Research interests:
Mathematical modeling of irreversible processes of polarization and deformation of ferroelectric polycrystalline media; Development of numerical methods for solving coupled linear and nonlinear problems of thermoelectricity; Creation of auxiliary programs for finite element complex ACELAN.
Research projects:
RFBR grant 2017-2019. "Modeling of ultrasonic oscillatory systems elastic and piezoelectric elements in order to optimize the parameters of ultrasonic medical devices".
Mathematical Models in Physics and Engineering
The basic concepts of continuum mechanics are given. The thermoelectroelasticity model is considered. The problems of oscillations of electroelastic bodies are solved.
Modeling and computer design of modern active materials
Simple and complex materials, coupled fields, active materials. Piezoelectrics, ferroelectrics, electric ceramics. The model of electroelasticity. Problems about sensors and actuators.
Modeling of nanoobjects and thin-walled structures
Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. Physical characteristics of nanoobjects. The problem of scanning the surface. Direct and indirect measurements.
Classical mechanics and computational methods
Statics. Kinematics. The dynamics of a point. Elements of the theory of oscillations. The principle of possible displacements. Stretching, torsion and bending of the rods. Electroelasticity. Solution of systems of linear equations. Numerical integration. Methods of solving the ODE. Method of finit elements. Solving problems of electroelasticity.
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