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Asya Savichna Akopova 

+7(863) 218-40-85

Associate Professor

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Research Interests:   Linguistics,  Pragmatics,  Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language.


1. Oral Translation as one of the Targets of Modern Humanitarian Education.\\ A report at the International Conference "Contrastive Linguistics.  Methods of             Teaching  English as a Second Language". RSU, 1997.  Rostov-on-Don.

2. Components of Professional Competence of a Foreign Language Teacher,  (an article) Modern Educational Technologies Journal. Rostov State University,           2000,  Rostov-on-Don.

3. Psychological  Competence of a Teacter as an aspect of his Professional and Personal Advancement. (an artice), Journal of Humanitarian Education :               Traditions and Innovations.  St. Petersburg Humanitarian University.  2001,  St. Petersburg.

4. Connectives in Context, (an article). \\ Journal of Management and Innovations Institute. 2004, Rostov-on-Don.

5. Trainig Master's Degree Students for research at Foreign Language Classes, (an article). Journal of International Conference "Education as Strategy of                Russia's Advancement", 2004, Rostov-on-Don.

6. Modern Requirements to Master's Degree Students  Research Skills, (an article). Journal: "Language and Intercultural Communucation",Rostov State                 University, 2005, Rostov-on-Don.

7. Educational Patterns for Graduate Students'  Foreing Language Course,   (an article). Journal: "Language and Intercultural Communucation",Rostov State                 University, 2006, Rostov-on-Don.

8. Edcational Contents for  Graduate Students'  Foreign Language  Programs, (an article). \\ Journal of International Pedagogical Forum. Rostov Pedagogical                 University, 2006, Rostov-on-Don.

9. Foreign Language as an Aid in Graduate Students'  Reseach Activities, (an article). \\ Journal of International Pedagogical Forum. Rostov Pedagogical                 University, 2006, Rostov-on-Don.  

10. Targeted  Second Language Skills in  Master  of Arts' Programs, (an article). Journal: "Language and Intercultural Communucation",  Southern Federal                 University, 2007, Rostov-on-Don.

11. Current Problems of Second Language Teaching at Graduate School. A Report at International Conference  "Personality, Language and Society in Modern           World ", 2007, Burgas, Bulgaria. 

12. Culture Variables and their Representation in Language,  (an article).  Journal of International Scientific Publications "Personality, Language and Society in           Modern  World ", 2009, Burgas, Bulgaria. 

13. Indirect Pragmatic Imperative Speech Acts as a Means of Manipulation, (an article).  Journal "Language and Intercultural Communication". Southern Federal       University, 2009, Rostov-onDon.

14. Speach Act of Request in the English Language,   (an article).  Journal of International Scientific Publications "Personality, Language and Society in                   Modern  World ", 2010, Burgas, Bulgaria. 

15. Politeness as a Pragmatic and Sociolinguistic Category,   (an article).  Journal of International Scientific Publications "Personality, Language and Society in                   Modern  World ", 2011, Burgas, Bulgaria. 

16. Innovative Methods of English Language Teaching  for Graduate Students, (an article.)   International Conference "Modern Russia:   Territorial                             Developments", Southern Federal University, 2011, Rostov-on-Don.

17. Forein Language Instruction Technologies  at  Graduate School.  Monograph, Southarn Federal University, 2012, Rostov-on-Don. 

18. Linguistic Manipulation : Definition and Classification, (an article). \\ Journal: Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education. 2013, Slovenia.

19. The Most Popular  Negative Politeness  Strategies in Modern English, (an article). \\ Journal  Scientific Research in Social Sciences:  Modern Challenges. 

      2014, Ekaterinburg. 

20. English Linguistic Purism: History, Development, Criticism,  (an article). \\ Proceedings of Southern federal University. Philology. 2015, Rostov-on-Don.

21. Prerequisites and Formulae of Ethno-metrical Analysis of Cultural Dimensions, (an article). Almanac of Modern Science and Education, Gramota, 2015


22. Manipulation as a Component of Efficient Communication, (an article).  \\ Humanities and Social Sciences. 2016. Rostov-on-Don. 

23. The Concept of Precedent Phenomena and their Role in Shaping  Social Consciousness, (an article).  Almanac of Modern Science and Education, Gramota,        2016,   Tambov.







Research projects:

Thesis for the Candidate of Science Degree in Pedagogics:

  Training Master's Degree Students in Humanities for Research in the Course of a Foreign Language Teaching.    ( 2005)

Current Office:

Associate Professor,   Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication,  Southern federal University.

Participation in Upgrading Programs:

  • Professional Advancement of a Lecturer at an Innovative University.  01.10.2012- 03.11.2012, 72 hours course.
  • Academic Writing  and Effective Bilingual Scientific Communication,  2013.
  • Theory and Practice of English Language Teaching and Learning: Professional Advancement, 2014.
  •  Course Planning and Assessment,   02.12.2014 – 08.12.2014,  72 yours;
  • TKT Essentials:  Teacher Training Course,   April-July  2015,  72 hours.






  • English for Specific Purposes
    The course is aimed at developing skills of reading professional texts, widening stock of words, academic writing.
  • General English
    Mastering English grammar and vocabulary, developing listening skills, reading, talking and auditing.
  • Oral and Written Communication in English. Academic Writing and Academic Speaking for Undergraduate Students.
    The curse aimed at developing skills in writing formal and informal letters, discursive and descriptive compositions, articles and reports.

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