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Alexander Petrovich Voloshchenko 

+7(863) 468-18-90

+7(904) 449-79-52

Associate Professor

Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Hydroacoustics, physical acoustics, nonlinear acoustics, nonlinear interaction of acoustic waves and signals, physics in ultrasonic technology, ultrasound in medicine and biology, hydroacoustic devices and systems, geology of sea, underwater archaeology

Research projects:

Investigation of the transmission coefficient of spherical sound waves from water to air


  • Computed tomography
    A systematic presentation of computed (computational) tomography is given - a modern method of biomedical and technical diagnostics. The description and mathematical models of X-ray, emission (radionuclide), nuclear-magnetic resonance, doppler, radiation and ultrasonic tomography are described. Much attention is paid to mathematical methods of processing tomographic information.
  • Signals: conditioning, detection and processing
    The foundations of the theory of discrete signals and systems are described. Methods for spectral analysis and filtering of discrete signals, algorithms for the synthesis of discrete filters, the effect of quantization effects and the finite accuracy of calculations on the operation of digital devices are considered. Modulation methods used to transmit digital information are described. Adaptive filters and multi-rate signal processing are discussed. Introductory lectures are devoted to the basics of signal analysis and the theory of analog systems. The material is outlined so as to clearly demonstrate the nature of the algorithms, their interrelationship and application areas. Theoretical information is accompanied by examples of implementation of the discussed algorithms with the help of the MATLAB system.
  • Electrical engineering and electronics
    The purpose of studying the discipline is to master the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering and electronics, acquire knowledge about the designs, principles of operation, parameters and characteristics of various electronic devices, prepare the student for understanding the principle of the operation of modern electrical equipment.