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Alexey Vasilevich Pribylskiy 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 30164

+7(988) 561-97-18

Associate Professor

Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Decision support systems;
Image recognition methods;
Information systems for diagnostics of biological objects;
Neural network technologies in medicine

Research projects:

"Diagnosis of paranasal sinuses by its x-ray image", "Diagnostics of a condition of a biological object on the basis of densitometric parameters"


  • Applied programming in technical systems
    27.03.04 "Management in technical systems" training profile "Management and Informatics in technical systems". The purpose of the discipline: to study the basic principles of design and development of software applications, to gain practical skills in working with visual programming environments, databases.
  • Microcontroller and microprocessor control systems
    15.03.04 "automation of technological processes and productions". The purpose of the discipline: to study design issues and obtain practical skills in applying algorithmic, hardware and software in the management of technical systems.
  • Programming and basics of algorithmization
    27.03.04 "Management in technical systems", training profile "Management and Informatics in technical systems". The purpose of the discipline: mastering the skills of practical development of control algorithms using modern information technologies and creating on their basis of applied information support for the tasks of managing technical processes.