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Aleksandrr Petrovich Gorbenko 

+7(928) 138-06-02

Senior lecturer

Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control

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Research interests:

Detection against the background of interference in conditions of a priori uncertainty. Noise-resistant coding.


  • Fundamentals of radio communication theory
    Models of signals and noise. Optimal signal reception.Statictical detection criteria. Algorithms for discrimination of signals.Noiseproof coding. Digital modulation. Principles of construction and integral characteristics of communication systems.
  • Probability theory and mathematical statistics
    Elements of combinatorics. Events and actions on them. Probability definitions. Statistical probability. Basic theorems and formulas. The Bernoulli trials. Discrete and continuous random variables. Laws of distribution of random variables. Numerical characteristics of random variables. Basic discrete and continuous distributions. Two-dimensional random variables. Independence of random variables. Correlated and uncorrelated random variables. The central limit theorem. The law of large numbers. Processing the results of the experiment. Point and interval estimates. Methods for constructing estimates. Testing of statistical hypotheses. Pearson and Kolmogorov criteria. Correlation analysis. Statistical tests using the Monte Carlo method.
  • Fundamentals of statistical radio engineering
    Random processes and their probabilistic characteristics. Spectral analysis of random processes. Narrow-band random processes. The passage of random signals through inertia-free circuits. The passage of random signals through linear circuits. The passage of a normal random process through a bandpass filter, amplitude and phase detectors. The passage of an additive mixture of a normal random process with a harmonic signal through a bandpass filter, amplitude and phase detectors.