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Aleksey Olegovich Pyavchenko 

Associate Professor

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Main scientific and applied interests consist in:

  • Research and development of architectural solutions for information and computing complexes of automated processing and control systems, high-performance problem-oriented computing and communication kernels, embedded intellectual hardware and software, including neural network information processing.
  • Research and development of algorithms for intelligent behavior of mobile robots, considering the influence of various disturbance factors.
  • Design of laboratory samples of new high-performance problem-oriented computing systems, their processor and communication components using modern FPGA technologies.

Research projects:

  1. Research and development of principles for constructing a quantum computing simulation system with built-in hardware support (executor of the RFBR grant N 20-07-00916, 2020).
  2. Development and research of the principles of constructing adaptive high-performance intelligent computing systems for uninhabited mobile robotic platforms for collective data collection and information processing about a multidimensional problematic environment (Employer: the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation,  2017 - 2019, RUSSIA.
  3. Development and research of the principles for constructing high-performance intelligent computer systems implemented on the basis of neural network and quantum computing, oriented to the use in control systems of autonomous uninhabited devices functioning in a priori unformalized problematic environments (Employer: the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation,  2014 - 2016, RUSSIA).
  4. The development of theory and methods of intelligent position-trajectory control systems of mobile objects with uncertainty ( Employer: The Russian scientific Fund, 2014- 2016, RUSSIA).
  5. Development and research algorithmic basis and implements it on the basis of on-Board multi-core specialized computer-oriented automatic resolution of real-time 2D navigation tasks (Employer: SFEDU,  2013, RUSSIA).


  • Microcontroller systems
    The purpose of studying the course is to form students' competencies in the field of principles of system engineering, functioning and programming of microcontroller systems (MCS) for various purposes, to acquire practical skills in circuit design and verification using FPGA technologies of high-performance complex-functional blocks designed to solve applied tasks as part of the MCS. This academic course is intended for students enrolled in a bachelor's degree in the direction 09.03.01 on the profile "Distributed computing systems and infocommunication technologies"
  • Architecture, programming and design of high-performance ARM-Microsystems
    The purpose of this course is to study the principles of construction, operation, programming and design of high-performance computing systems based on high-performance ARM microcontroller and FPGA technologies, including technology "System on programmable chip (SOPC)". The academic course is intended for students studying in the direction of magistracy 09.04.01 "Computer Science and Computing" on the profile of " High performance computing and quantum processing "
  • Technical support of automated systems
    The purpose of the academic course is to study by students the basics of building, functioning and using a complex of technical means that ensure the operability of an automated system for problem-oriented purposes, including microcontroller and microcomputer means of data receiving and intra-system interaction, software and hardware processing of information and control.
  • Design of technical components of automated systems
    The purpose of this academic course is to form the students' competence in the field of automatic layout design of technical means of automated systems on an example of typical microcontroller and microprocessor systems and automation systems with rigid or reconfigurable structure, as a rule, including programmable controllers and data processing, display devices, data transmission subsystems, devices for communication with the object, sensors and actuators
  • HDL-design of digital devices
    The purpose of the course is to study the methodology of HDL-design, modeling and verification of digital devices in the basis of programmable integrated circuits using modern computer-aided design packages using the example of CAD Quartus II WE, ModelSim-Altera Start Ed. The academic course includes two sections "Introduction to HDL-design methodology" and "Application of FPGAs for designing digital devices (on the example of CPLD and FPGA manufactured by Altera (Intel))". Laboratory and practical works are focused on the use of educational and laboratory kits of domestic and foreign production.

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