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Andrey Michailovich Vodyanoy 


Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

He graduated with honors from the Architectural Faculty of the Rostov Institute of Civil Engineering in 1983, specialty "Architecture". After working in the project organization, he studied at the graduate school of the Central Research and Design Institute of Experimental Design houses in Moscow. In 1992 he defended his thesis "Formation types network and elderly care facilities", the degree of "Candidate of Architecture" was awarded to him.

Since 2005 taught a course "Regional features and modern trends of architectural design of public buildings and facilities", and since 2016 - "Research Methodology" for graduate students.
In 2007 he was awarded Associate Professor`s title. He works as a professor at the department of "Design of architectural environment" Academy of Architecture and  Arts.
Supervises the work of students to fulfill graduation projects and master's theses. Graduation projects of his students repeatedly became prize-winners of international, foreign and Russian competitions.
He is a practicing architect - realized over 70 projects from more than 100 developed by him and with his participation.

Research interests - typology of public buildings.

At present - Deputy Director of the Academy of Architecture and Arts AAA for scientific and educational activities of design and art direction.