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Olga Vitalievna Alpatova 

Associate Professor

Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

The projects are devoted to the working out the theory and methods of analysis of the nonlinear effects in nonlinear radiating, directing and resonant structures, and to the working out the theory of constructional synthesis of microstrip modules of SHF smart surfaces.

6. Recent Publications from 1997 up to 2004


            Publications in magazines:


  1. Koshkidko V.G., Alpatova O.V. “Equivalent Surface Impedance of Slotted Impedance Load on Basis of Semi-cylindrical Cavity”. Radio Engineering and Electronics, 1999. Vol. 44, N 1, pp. 25-28.
  2. Alpatova O.V. “Magnetic Field Excitation by Extraneous Forces through the Aperture in the Shield”. Electrodynamics and technique of SFH and SWH, 2001. N 1.
  3. Koshkidko V.G., Alpatova O.V. “Equivalent Surface Impedance of Slotted Impedance Load on Basis of the Aperture in the Shield”. Radio Engineering and Electronics, 2003. Vol. 48, N 1, pp. 57-63.



1. Koshkid'ko, V.G., Alpatova, O.V., Serdyuk, E.SAnalysis of the infinite array of slot impedance loads based on the cavity with an equilateral triangular cross section   Conference Proceedings - 2017 Radiation and Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves, RSEMW 2017

2. Koshkid’ko, V.G., Alpatova, O.V., Serdyuk, E.S.On the limits of applicability of an approximate formula for the surface impedance of a rectangular groove 
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016.

3. Koshkid’ko, V.G., Ganzhela, N.V., Alpatova, O.V., Serdyuk, E.S.Equivalent surface impedance of an infinite array of slot impedance loads designed on the basis of coupled rectangular domains  Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics.2016.

3. Petrov B.M., Koshkidko V.G., Alpatova O.V. “An Equivalent Surface Impedance of Slotted Impedance Load on the Basis of Semi-Cylindrical Cavity“. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques. Kyiv, Ukraine 20-22 May, 1997.

4. Alpatova O.V. “Angular Dependences of the Equivalent Surface Impedance of Slotted Impedance Loads on the Basis of Semi-Cylindrical Cavity”. All-Russian scientific student and post-graduates conference: “Radio Electronics, Microelectronics, Communications and Control Systems”. Collection of articles. Taganrog: TSURE, 9-10 October 1997.

5. Petrov B.M., Koshkidko V.G., Alpatova O.V. Investigation of the characteristics of Slotted Impedance Semicircular Loads in the Structure of Infinite Lattices”. 52nd scientific session devoted to “The Day of Radio”. Collection of articles, part I. Moscow, 1997.

6. Alpatova O.V. “Angular Dependences of the Impedance of Infinite Lattices Slotted Impedance Loads on the Basis of Semi-Cylindrical Cavity”. Collection of articles of students, post-graduates and young scientists of Radio Engineering College TSURE “Radio circuits, signals and devices”. Taganrog: TSURE, 1998.

7. Alpatova O.V. “Plane Wave Scattering by Slots on a Ground Plane in Case of Oblique Incidence and Arbitrary Polarization”. Conference Proceedings 2000 International Con­ference on Mathematical Methods in Electromag­netic Theory (MMET). Volume 1, Kharkov, Ukraine, September 12-15, 2000.

8. Alpatova O.V. “Plane Wave Diffraction on the Aperture in Infinite Ideally Conductive Shield”. The 5th All-Russian scientific students and post-graduates conference: “Technical Cybernetics, Radio Electronics and Control Systems”. Collection of articles. Taganrog: TSURE, 2000.

9. Alpatova O.V. “Waves Diffraction on the Longitudinal Slot in Ideally Conductive Shield”. Theses of report. TSURE Transactions. Taganrog: TSURE, 2000.

10. Koshkidko V.G., Alpatova O.V. Investigation of the characteristics of Slotted Impedance Loads on the Basis of Semi-Cylindrical Cavity. Cases of H- and E-polarization”. 54th scientific session devoted to “The Day of Radio”. Collection of articles. Moscow, 1999.

11. Alpatova O.V. “Impedance Characteristics of Slotted Impedance Load. Theses of report. TSURE Transactions. Taganrog: TSURE, 2000.

12. Petrov B.M., Koshkidko V.G., Alpatova O.V. Equivalent Surface Im­pedance of Slotted Impedance Load Made as Semi-Cylindrical Cavity for Infinite Array. Case of E-Polarisation. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Antenna Theory and Technigues. Sevastopil, Ukraine, 8-11 September 1999.

13. Koshkidko V.G., Alpatova O.V. “Equivalent Surface Impedance of Slotted Impedance Load on Basis of the Aperture in the Shield. Cases of H- and E-polarization”. All-Russian Conference “Emanation and Dispersion of Electromagnetic Waves”. Collection of theses. Taganrog: TSURE, 1999.

14. Alpatova O.V. “Plane Wave Dispersion on the Slot in Infinite Ideally Conductive Shield”. 10th International Crimean Microwave Conference “SHF techniques and telecommunication technologies”.


  1. Recent conferences and exhibitions participation since 1997


  1. The Second International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques. Kyiv, Ukraine 20-22 May, 1997.
  2. All-Russian scientific student and post-graduates conference: “Radio Electronics, Microelectronics, Communications and Control Systems”, 1997.
  3. 52nd scientific session devoted to “The Day of Radio”, 1997.
  4. 54th scientific session devoted to “The Day of Radio”, 1999.
  5. The Third International Conference on Antenna Theory and Technigues. Sevastopil, Ukraine, 1999.
  6. All-Russian Conference “Emanation and Dispersion of Electromagnetic Waves”, 1999.
  7. International Con­ference on Mathematical Methods in Electromag­netic Theory (MMET), 2000.
  8. The 5th All-Russian scientific students and post-graduates conference: “Technical Cybernetics, Radio Electronics and Control Systems”, 2000.


Research projects:

Since 1998 up to 2005 was an executer of the following projects:

1. Working out the theory of constructional synthesis of microstrip modules of SHF smart surfaces.

2. Working out the theory and methods of analysis of nonlinear effects in nonlinear radiating, directing and resonant structures.


  • Energy saving and quality of electrical energy
  • EMC components and systems
  • Electromagnetic field theory
  • The reliability of electric vehicles and tractors
  • Energy saving and quality of electrical energy
  • EMC components and systems
  • Electromagnetic field theory
  • The reliability of electric vehicles and tractors