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Alexander Logvinov 

+7(928) 131-59-32

Senior researcher

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Logvinov Alexander is a senior researcher at the Laboratory "Molecular Neurobiology" of the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology named after D.I. Ivanovsky Southern Federal University. In 2006 he graduated from the Biological Faculty of Rostov State University. In 2011 he defended his PhD thesis in the specialty 03.03.01; physiology. Recently, he has been specializing in research on the general ultrastructure of neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, the blood-brain barrier of brain tissue, as well as the morphology of the plasma membrane, karyolemma and karyoplasm, the study of organelles and cellular inclusions, the study of the cytoskeleton of animal and plant cells. In addition, Logvinov A.K. is a specialist in the diagnosis of lifetime nephrobiopsias (light /fluorescence / electron microscopy). Logvinov A.K. has been and is the executor of a number of grants, as well as the co-author of 9 publications, including in journals included in the databases