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Andryay Leonidowich Boyko 

+7(928) 174-04-07

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Research interests:

History, History Ancient History, Archaeology, Museology, Sociology


  • History of the Ancient East
    History of the Ancient East a Study of the prerequisites of the first States and their historical development since the end of the fourth Millennium BC to the first centuries of our era, to identify the peculiarities of social, economic and political nature of the States located in Eurasia and North Africa
  • Нhistory of archaeological knowledge
    A course on the history of archaeological knowledge aims to introduce the students to the information about the development of archaeological science in the world and in our country. The formation of a correct understanding of the ways of the origination and development of science should contribute to a better understanding of its essence, methods, forms of organization. Highlights the different sides of the archaeological activities ; history of the major field discoveries and excavations, the history of archaeological thought, history institutions and organizations, played a prominent role in the development of archaeological science, biographical information about famous scientists from the past. The course focuses on the Genesis of the forms of institutionalization of archaeological institutions in Russia since the advent of the first organizations on the study of antiquities in the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Explore the various levels of the organization archaeological institutions from the Metropolitan commissions, academies, and institutions to local societies and museums. A number of sections devoted to the problems of protection of monuments of archeology, museology and publishing the results of excavations.
  • Archaeology of later historical periods
    Rate refers to the cycle of special courses of training of masters in speciality "Archaeology" and is designed to prepare skilled professionals to work on various archaeological and historical-cultural monuments in the region. The aim of the course is to show the informative possibilities of the archaeological complexes of the epoch of the XVII-XIX centuries, to give representation about the basic categories of finds this time, for example, materials originating from the territory of the South of Russia. Course objectives: ; To determine the place of archaeology of later historical periods in the system of historical Sciences; ; To identify the time of occurrence of this field in archaeology; ; To establish the main categories of archaeological monuments; ; To consider a system of chronological measurement standards key archaeological materials; ; Studying the systems of classification and systematization of the different categories of finds; ; Analyze the archaeology of later periods of history for reconstruction of the events of the XVII − early XIX centuries.