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Anastasia Gennadievna Krasnozhon 


Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies

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Research interests:

Social responsibility of the individual, gender sociology, sociology of public opinion


  • Sociology of the family
    The aim of the course is to master the set of theoretical concepts of family and marriage, methods and techniques of research, development of tools for conducting research in the field of sociology of family and family relations. The result of mastering the course is the development of students ' skills in developing social projects aimed at developing the family as a social institution and the primary unit of society, improving family policy at the state level.
  • Sociology of conflict
    The goal is to form a holistic view of conflict as a special form of social interaction, its characterological features, essence, structure, objective and subjective causes, forms of occurrence, mechanisms of dynamics, methods of prevention and resolution.
  • Gender sociology
    The aim of the course is to introduce students to the basic concepts, approaches and directions of gender sociology from the point of view of historical and modern perspectives in the West and in Russia; as well as to master the application of gender theory and methodology for research in the field of social sciences and humanities.
  • Sociology of public opinion
    Objectives of mastering the discipline "Sociology of Public Opinion": in-depth study and mastering by students of theoretical and methodological tools used in modern sociological research, the ability to use sociological methods of research in relation to the problems of the course.
  • Sociology: Paradigms, Guidelines, Resources
    The main purpose of mastering the discipline "Sociology: paradigms, guidelines, resources" is to study social phenomena and processes in the context of a holistic view of society and correlate them with a broad picture of historical development, consider the features of the object and subject field, the structure of modern theoretical sociological knowledge, the content of sociological theory and determine possible prospects for further development of sociological knowledge.