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Alexsander Rouvimovich Ioshpa 

+7(961) 270-18-23

Associate Professor

Institute of Earth Sciences

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Associate Professor, Kandidat of geographical sciences, meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology "(2005). Head of preparation 05.03.04 "Hydrometeorology. Deputy Head of Department of Oceanology. Secretary of the Rostov regional branch of the RIGS. Research interests: study of the dynamics of climate processes in the North Caucasus and evaluation of hazardous meteorological phenomena, weather influence of meteorological parameters on human health. He is the author of more than 40 publications. Tutorial with UMO "foundations of ocean hydrodynamics." One of the most important directions of its activities considers the popularization of scientific research and to attract students to the scientific activities related to climate change on Earth. He has more than 30 joint publications with students. Awarded 10 medals. For their significant contribution to the development of Hydrometeorology in the ARMED FORCES of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION was awarded a medal "for merits before Fatherland" 2 degrees, for significant contribution to training of highly qualified ...