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Anatoliy Ivanovich Narezhny 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 12215


Institute of History and International Relations

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Narezhny Anatoly Ivanovich is the head of the grants of the MoE of Russia on the theme "Improvement of educational activities of Russian universities in the field of the Humanities based on the experience of educational work in universities of the United States"(2007 and 2008). Participated in the international training-methodical seminars "Development of scientifically-educational cooperation of high schools of Russia and universities of the United States in the Humanities"(2007. and 2008.) in the all-Russian scientific conferences : "Russian liberalism : historical fates and perspectives"(Moscow, may 27-29, 1998.); "P. N. Milyukov, historian, politician,diplomat"(Moscow,27-28 may 1999.); "Liberal conservatism : history and modernity"(Rostov-on-don,on may 25-26, 2000.); "Russian liberalism in the regional dimension : the ideas,structure, tactics,leaders" (Yaroslavl, September 10-12, 2008). Involved in the grant of SFU for the preparation of the electronic textbook "History of constitutionalism in Russia"(2008).


  • Actual problems of historical research
    The main purpose of the discipline "Current problems of historical research" - the study of key contemporary issues in Russian and foreign historical science. Tasks: • analysis of new paradigms, new conceptual approaches to world history; • understanding of opportunities of new methods of historical research; • understanding new forms of the institutionalization of modern historical science in Russia and the world; • mastering the skills of academic work and research activities; • Familiarity with accepted in the academic community practitioners written and oral communication; • Familiarity with the basic principles of scientific ethics; • to master skills of work with educational sites, universities, sites, libraries and research institutions; • mastering the skills of bibliographic description; citation rules; • Familiarity with genres of historical writing; • Development of technologies of work with scientific literature.
  • Social history of Russia: theory and practice
    Objective of the discipline •comprehend the history of Russia from a sociological point of view, to present it not as a series of separate dates, facts and events, but as a process of personal development, family, property, society and the state. •study of the main trends of development of Russian of everyday life and its characteristic features; •disclosure of the content of the basic concepts that characterize the development of the history of everyday life; •the acquisition is necessary in the framework of the discipline of theoretical knowledge
  • Research seminar: contemporary research tools in the study of history
    The purpose of discipline: formation at students of system vision of the role and place of organization of scientific researches on history, the study of historical research in the form of difficult structured, multivariate, evolving system; mastering the methods of research work.