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Anna Vyacheslavovna Gozalova 

Senior lecturer

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Education, labor market, human resources, human potential, human capital, higher education

Research projects:

Participation in grants:
1. RFBR grant (Transformation of the system of social and labor relations in higher education in the context of the new reality of the labor market) N 20-310-90015\20 dated 11.06.2020

2. Grant for postgraduate study at SFU N1210 dated 05.07.2019.


  • Information economy
    The objectives of the discipline are the formation of students' complex theoretical knowledge and basic practical skills in the field of management of economic systems of different hierarchical levels and various fields of activity, using modern methods, mechanisms, information technologies and taking into account the patterns of use of information factors as components of the economic system. Tasks of studying the discipline:formation of students' theoretical and practical skills in the field of formation and development of modern information economy and management of its structural components based on the use of modern information technologies and adequate use of information resources and factors; study of modern information economy technologies; development of the ability to take into account institutional, infrastructural aspects of information economy and information security issues in the field of their professional activities; development of the ability to apply model-analytical and information and communication technologies to support decision-making in socio-economic systems in the knowledge economy.
  • Information and communication technologies
    The academic discipline "Information and communication Technologies" belongs to block B1. The knowledge and skills acquired during the study of this discipline can be used to solve professional tasks in research, analytical, computational, economic, project activities; can be considered as one of the intermediate stages of professional interaction in any field of activity, including the chosen professional.
  • The economics of innovation
    The discipline "Economics of innovation" refers to the disciplines of choice of the variable part of block B 1.The purpose of studying the discipline; the development by students of professional competencies in the field of management of innovation processes at different levels of the hierarchy of the economy in the framework of analytical, research activities; the development of economic thinking in the context of the imperatives of innovatization and modernization of the national economy.
  • Project management
    The academic discipline "Project Management" refers to the variable part of section B 1. Objectives of the discipline: The discipline "Project Management" aims to form students' theoretical knowledge and basic practical skills in relation to making and evaluating decisions in the field of project management within the framework of organizational and managerial activities.
  • Analytical methods in economics
    The purpose of the discipline "Analytical methods in Economics" is to develop students' modern economic thinking, acquire analytical skills, assess and analyze the resource potential of the economy, substantiate strategic priorities for the development of the economic system in conditions of goal-setting and the presence of certain limitations, assess economic processes and phenomena and search for reserves to improve the efficiency of economic development.