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Asya Emilyevna Ovsepyan 

Associate Professor

Institute of Earth Sciences

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

The study of the behavior of priority pollutants (mercury, etc. heavy metals) in the aquatic environment.

Field of scientisic interests of Ovsepyan A. E. associated with the study of regularities in the behavior element of the first class of danger - mercury - in the Northern areas conditions. Mouth area of the Northern Dvina river - this area was dedicated to the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of geographical Sciences "Distribution, migration and transformation of mercury in the mouth area of the Northern Dvina river", which was successfully defended by author in April 2007. The thesis was based on materials collected by the author in several expeditions in the Arkhangelsk region.

Over the last five years, Ovsepyan A. E. has published 40 scientific papers (including co-authored), including 10 publications in peer-reviewed journals included in the list of VAK. Asya Emilievna is a member of Leading scientific school of Russia "Pollutants in bottom sediments of early diagenesis in marine and freshwater ecosystems: behavior and history of accumulation" (head ; prof. Yu. a. Fedorov). As a performer and a responsible executor participated and continues to participate in the research work on grants from RFBR (head  Professor Y. A. Fedorov, Professor T.M. Minkina, senior researcher D.N. Gar'kusha, et al), grants of the President of Russian Federation (head Professor Y.A. Fedorov; assist. Professor A.A. Zimovets).

In 2009-2010, Ovsepyan A. E. conducted a study  "Biogeochemical cycle of mercury in the estuarine region of the river Northern Dvina" by grant of the President of the Russian Federation. Participated in 7 research expeditions to the North of european territory of Russia (ETR). Implemented a 6 lead complex research expeditions to the mouth area of the Northern Dvina river in Arkhangelsk region (2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 years). A regular speaker at various Russian and international scientific conferences, actively engages in research work of students. In the period from 2006 to 2008 she was the scientific Secretary of the annal conference "Environmental problems. A look into the future", held in SOL "Limanchik". In February 2011 at second time became the winner of the contest for the grants of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of Sciences on the topic: "Modeling of processes of migration and transformation of mercury in water bodies of the North European territory of Russia, assessment of their ability to cleanse itself".

Elsevier Reviewer

Ovsepyan A.E. is recruiting for the direction 05.03.02 Geography (bachelor's degree) in 2023.

Since 2023, the scientific supervision of a postgraduate student (scientific specialty 1.6.21 Geoecology) has been carried out.

Research projects:

Distribution, migration and transformation of mercury in the Northern part of Russia water bodies (present time)

2009-2010 years: "Biogeochemical cycle of mercury in the estuarine region of the river Northern Dvina" (Head of the President of Russian Federation grant for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of Sciences)

2011-2012 years: "Modeling of processes of migration and transformation of mercury in water bodies of the North European territory of Russia, assessment of their ability to cleanse itself" (the same).

Project: Distribution, migration and transformation of mercury in water bodies of the Northern part of Russia 

Currently, scientists are actively studying the behavior of mercury in various natural environments. Since 2004 collective of co-authors conducted regular comprehensive studies aimed at clarifying the characteristics of mercury accumulation in the estuary zone of the N Dvina River and other water objects on the North of European territory of Russia. During this time mercury concentrations in soils, water, bottom sediments, hydrobionts, sediments, snow cover in relatively "clean" and polluted areas were determined. Priority factors determining the behavior of mercury in the studied area Identified. We are open for cooperation with the aim of expanding and deepening knowledge about the behavior of mercury, influencing factors and assessment of self-purification capabilities of the ecosytem.



  • Aquatic ecotoxicology (eng)
    The discipline is taught to students enrolled in the program 05.03.02 Geography. Aquatic ecotoxicology is defined as a scientific discipline, studying the properties and behavior of pollutants in aquatic ecosystems, as well as the impact of pollutants on organisms, populations, and communities. The history of evolution and development of this discipline is considered, and its theoretical foundations are formulated. The role of aquatic ecotoxicology in solving practical problems related to the substantiation of the criteria for water quality assessment and standardization of human-induced water contamination is demonstrated.Aquatic Ecotoxicology evaluation revolves around studies on various non-target organisms of aquatic environment. Ecotoxicological (Aquatic) studies are required to determine the hazard classification of agrochemicals, biocides speciality chemicals and pharmaceuticals to evaluate their potential for short/long-term risks to non-target organisms. The course “Aquatic ecotoxicology" is an optional special academic discipline intended to give students a richer understanding of the impact of chemical substances and pollutants on aquatic organisms, the necessity of interpretation of environmental research in the sphere of studying the consequences of water bodies toxic contamination. The Department of physical geography, ecology and environment protection of Southern Federal University has a unique experience of long-term observations of fates and effects of water pollution by heavy metals, radionuclides, nutrients, as well as their behavior in the aquatic environment. The results of field studies enrich the material of lectures and practical courses.
  • Regulatory, legislative and legal base in the field of environmental protection and natural resources management
    The discipline is taught to masters studying in the direction 05.04.06 Ecology and environmental management. The development of the discipline (module) "Regulatory, legislative and legal base in the field of environment protection and natural resources management" are: the formation of students ' knowledge and skills to navigate in the modern legislative and regulatory base, regulating the issues of nature management and environmental protection. Tasks: study existing in Russia's bodies of management, control and supervision for the protection of nature, their functions; Analysis of the tasks and powers of management bodies of the Russian Federation and its subjects in the field of environmental protection; Consideration of current and emerging legislative acts in the field of environmental protection; The study of the modern state, development prospects and opportunities of the environmental movement in Russia; The study of international law in the field of environmental protection of the coastal areas and shelf zones of the World ocean.
  • Environmental audit, EIA, environmental and geographical expertise with the basics of environmental and economic optimization
    The discipline is taught to students enrolled in the program 05.03.02 Geography. Purpose of learning: To gain an understanding of the definition of "Environmental audit" indicating his role and place in the environmental activities of enterprises, the current state and prospects for use in resource-extraction enterprises; the formation of students ' knowledge on assessment of environmental impact of economic and other activities in developing technical projects, and conducting ecological and geographical examination of existing enterprises in accordance with state programmes and other documents in accordance with applicable law; the formation of students ' views and understanding of the process of ecological-economic optimization, explain the role of economic mechanisms to achieve environmental stability and sustainable development of anthropoecosystem. Tasks: the acquisition of skills for conducting inspections of businesses for compliance/noncompliance with these standards environmental activities; formation of legal base of development of Ecological audit in Russia, the system of ISO standards, ISO-14000; the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for making environmentally and economically sound solutions. the study of the purpose and objectives of environmental impact assessment of economic and other activities; the understanding of ecological and geographical expertise and the procedure for its conduct; the study of the assessment system and regulation of the state of landscapes and their components; application of theoretical knowledge in the calculation of maximum permissible emissions and discharges of pollutants; possession of methods of determination of priority pollutants and sources of impact on the environment; the ability to calculate the size of sanitary-protection zones; skills the comparison of design options; study of the basic principles of ecological optimization of landscape; study of factors influencing optimization of nature management; analysis of the ecological effectiveness of the environmental management; the study of the experience of the practical application of ecological-economic optimization of nature management in Russia and the world. The purpose of the discipline; providing an understanding of the definition of "environmental audit", its role and place in the environmental activities of enterprises, the current state and prospects of use in the resource activities of enterprises; formation of students 'knowledge on environmental impact assessment of economic and other activities in the development of technical projects, as well as conducting environmental and geographical examination of existing enterprises in accordance with state programs and other documents in accordance with the current legislation; formation of students' representation and understanding of the process of environmental and economic optimization, disclosure of the role of economic mechanisms in achieving environmental stability and sustainable development of anthropoecosystems.
  • Environmental engineering, ecological expertise, audit and environmental management
    The discipline is taught to masters studying in the direction 05.04.06 Ecology and environmental management. The objectives of the course: to provide an understanding of the definitions of "Environmental design", "environmental expertise", "environmental audit", "environmental management", the designation of their role and place in the environmental activities of enterprises, the current state and prospects of application; formation of students 'knowledge on environmental impact assessment of economic and other activities in the development of technical projects, as well as conducting environmental and geographical examination of existing enterprises in accordance with state programs and other documents in accordance with the current legislation; formation of students' representation and understanding of the process of environmental and economic optimization, disclosure of the role of economic mechanisms in achieving environmental stability and sustainable development of anthropoecosystems. Knowledge of modern environmental legislation, the ability to navigate in the Russian and international standards in force in this area.
  • Geography with basics of phisycal geography
    The discipline is taught to bachelors studying in the direction 05.03.02 Geography. The purpose of the course: * formation of basic knowledge about the system of geographical Sciences and a single geographical picture of the modern world; • formation of ideas about the "geographical shell" as a single natural planetary system, the basic laws of its structure, development, functioning, territorial differentiation.

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