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Aleksander Vladimirovich Cherpakov 

+7(918) 517-71-11

Senior researcher

Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science named after of I.I. Vorovich

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Published: 1. in scientific and technical journals and publications of the Russian Federation more than 50 publications;

2. in foreign scientific and technical journals and publications 6 publications;

3. WoS search platform: 3 publications;

4. SCOPUS search platform: 11 publications;

5. there is 1 patent;

6. There is 1 certificate for registration of software.

Areas of work:

- Development of methods for diagnosing technical condition and defects in structures;

- Development of methods of vibrodiagnostics;

- Conducting theoretical and experimental studies of piezo-generators;

- Investigation of methods for assessing mechanical properties and VAT in elements of oil and gas pipelines;

- Calculation of structures in the finite-element complex ANSYS;

- Development of simulation algorithms in mathematical packages;

- Development of software for the equipment of vibrodiagnostic complexes;

- Development of tool complexes;

- Conduct full-scale full-scale research.

Research work:

Southern Federal University, 2009 - up to the present.

(Division: II Vorovich Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences, Laboratory of Mechanics and Physics of New Materials and Devices, Rostov-on-Don.)

- Researcher.

Sphere of activity: - participation in research activities.

Guidance and support of projects supported by:

- The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) of the Russian Federation;

- Federal target programs of the Ministry of Education;

- Southern Federal University.

Research projects:

  • Development of experimental, theoretical and model research methods of thermal electric transducers and piezoelectric generators manufactured on the base of advanced materials with special properties (Parinov I. A., #16-08-00740_a, 2016-2018)
  • Damage control of rod constructions (Cherpakov A. V., 14-38-50915 mol_nr, 2014)
  • Development of criteria for early control of intact constructions oj the base of analytic and finite-element modeling and study of functional and test informative responses of frame-rod models (Esipov Yu. V., 14-08-00546, 2014-2016, executors: Cherpakov A. V., et al.)
  • Identification of damage of the reinforced concrete construction elements (Cherpakov A. V., #12-08-90815-Mol_ros_nf, 2012)
  • Scientific work of Russian young scientist Cherpakov Alexander Vladimirovich in Taganrog State Pedagogical University (Ilyukhin A. A., #11-08-90703, 2011, executor: Cherpakov A. V.)
  • Scientific work of Russian young scientist Cherpakov Alexander Vladimirovich in South-Russian State Technical University (Kabel’kov A. N., #08-08-90700, 2008, executors: Cherpakov A. V. )