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Anatoly Borisovitch Usov 

+7(904) 340-46-21


Southern Federal University


Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science named after of I.I. Vorovich

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

1. The Numerical Mmethods of a Research of the Differential Eequations in Private Derivatives;

2. The Hierarchical Management;

3. The Optimum Control;

4. The Opportunistic Behavior of the Subjects of control;

5. Artificial intellect

Research projects:

All professional activity is connected with the faculty of mathematics , mechanici and computer science (MSU), southern Federal University (formerly Rostov state University)

Graduated from with honors, he enrolled in graduate school, and more the finalization and currently working at the Department of Applied mathematics and programming

Supervise the scientific work of bachelors, masters and PhD students (two protected the master's thesis).

I am an active scientific work - more than 100 publications

The total number of links for all years ; 154

Over the last five years (2011-2015) ; 59

Criterion h-index: RISC ; 8.


  • Informatics
    Foundations of computer science. Basic definitions, programming language Pascal
  • Programming languages and translation methods
    The programming languages Pascal and C+=. Basics and special features. Classes, inheritance, polymorphism. STL
  • Modeling of the dynamic systems
    Dynamical systems, examples. Qualitative methods of research. Stability theory of dynamical systems
  • Numerical methods of optimal control problems
    Basics of numerical methods for the study of partial differential equations. The Pontryagin maximum principle and numerical approaches to its implementation
  • Поделиться переводом
    theory of hierarchical systems, methods hierarchical management, information policies and their features
  • Opportunistic behavior of the subjects of control systems
    Manipulation of information by the master and the Slave counterplay. Corruption and methods to combat it